Thanks ====== I would like to say thanks to those people who prompted me to write this package, in the hope that it will ease the Linux user into the setting up required for Demon. I would also like to thank those people who alpha-tested this package for me ('cuz I was too much of a wimp to do a complete uninstall of INN and Demon news setup), and for their very helpful feedback. I would like to thank the following people: John Phillips <> - Slack-help package & suggestions. Stephen Hebditch <> - slurp package. Nick Holloway (> - various suggestions. Clive Messer <> - various suggestions. Tony Robinson <> - Dummy i/f suggestions. Further thanks to all those people who sent me update sugestions, and also those who sent "praise" emails ... it's always nice to feel appreciated :) Hopefully I will improve this package sometime, with the intent of making it a little more automated.