Linux Shadow Password HOWTO Michael H. Jackson, v1.2, 10 January 1996 This document aims to describe how to obtain, install and configure the Linux password Shadow Suite. It also discusses obtaining, and (re)installing other software and network daemons that require access to user passwords. This other software is not actually part of the Shadow Suite, but these programs will break as soon as shadow is installed. This document also contains a programming example for adding shadow support. Answers to some of the more frequently asked questions will be included in an appendix in a future revision. ______________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents: 1. Introduction. 1.1. Changes from the previous release. 1.2. New versions of this document. 1.3. Feedback. 2. Why shadow your passwd file? 2.1. Format of the /etc/passwd file 2.2. Format of the shadow file 2.3. Review of crypt(3). 3. Getting the Shadow Suite. 3.1. Where to get the Shadow Suite. 3.2. What is included with the Shadow Suite. 4. Compiling the programs 4.1. Unpackaging the archive 4.2. Configuring with the config.h file 4.3. Making backup copies of your original programs. 4.4. Running make 5. Installing 5.1. Have a boot disk handy in case you break anything. 5.2. Removing duplicate man pages 5.3. Running make install 5.4. Running pwconv 5.5. Renaming npasswd and nshadow 6. Other programs you may need to upgrade or patch 6.1. Slackware adduser program 6.2. The wu_ftpd Server 6.3. Standard ftpd 6.4. pop3d (Post Office Protocol 3) 6.5. xlock 6.6. sudo 6.7. imapd (E-Mail 6.8. pppd (Point-to-Point Protocol Server) 7. Adding shadow support to a C program 7.1. Header files 7.2. libshadow.a library 7.3. Shadow Structure 7.4. Shadow Functions 7.5. Example 8. Copyright Message. 9. Miscellaneous and Acknowledgments. ______________________________________________________________________ 1. Introduction. This is the Linux Shadow Password HOWTO. This document describes why and how to add shadow password support on a Linux system. 1.1. Changes from the previous release. Additions: NONE Corrections/Updates: NONE 1.2. New versions of this document. The latest released version of this document can always be retrieved by anonymous FTP from: /pub/Linux/docs/HOWTO/SHADOW-HOWTO or: /pub/Linux/docs/HOWTO/other-formats/SHADOW-HOWTO{-html.tar,ps,dvi}.gz or via the World Wide Web from the Linux Documentation Project Web Server , at page: SHADOW-HOWTO or directly from me, . It will also be posted to the newsgroup: comp.os.linux.answers 1.3. Feedback. Please send any comments, updates, or suggestions to me: Michael H. Jackson The sooner I get feedback, the sooner I can update and correct this document. If you find any problems with it, please mail me directly as I very rarely stay up-to-date on the newsgroups. 2. Why shadow your passwd file? By default, most current Linux distributions do not contain the Shadow Suite installed. This includes Slackware 2.3, Slackware 3.0, and other popular distributions. If you installed a distribution from a CD-ROM, you may find that, even though the distribution did not have the Shadow Suite installed, the files you need to install the Shadow Suite are also on the CD-ROM. This is especially true if you have a Sunsite Mirror CD-ROM. The needed files may also be obtained via anonymous FTP or through the World Wide Web. On a Linux system without the Shadow Suite installed, user information including the passwords are stored in the /etc/passwd file. The password is stored in an encrypted format. If you ask a cryptography expert; however, he or she will tell you that the password is actually in an encoded rather than encrypted format because when using crypt(3), the text is set to null and the password is the key. Therefore, from here on, I will use the term encoded in this document. The algorithm used to encode the password field is technically referred to as a one way hash function. This is an algorithm that is easy to compute in one direction, but very difficult to calculate in the reverse direction. More about the actual algroithim used can be found in the section on the crypt(3) algorithm or your crypt(3) manual page. When a user picks a password, it is encoded with a randomly generated value called the salt. This means that any particular password, could be stored in 4096 different ways. The salt value is then stored with the encoded password. When a user logs in and supplies a password, the salt is first retrieved from the stored encoded password. Then the supplied password is encoded with the salt value, and then compared with the encoded password. If there is a match, then the user is authenticated. It is computationally difficult (but not impossible) to take a randomly encoded password and recover the original password. However, on any system with more than just a few users, at least some of the passwords will be common words (or simple variations of common words). But the system cracker knows all this, and will simply encrypt a dictionary of words and common passwords using the all possible 4096 salt values. Then they will compare the encoded passwords in the /etc/passwd file with their database. Once he/she has found a match, they have the password for another account. This is referred to as a dictionary attack, and is one of the most common methods for gaining or expanding unauthorized access to a system. If you think about it, an 8 character password encodes to 4096-13 character strings. So a dictionary of say 400,000 common words, names, passwords, and simple variations would easily fit on a 4GB hard drive. The attacker need only sort them, and then check for matches. Since a 4GB hard drive can be had for under $1000.00, this is well within the means of most system crackers. Even without lots of drive space, utilities like crack(1) can usually break at least a couple of passwords on a system with enough users (assuming the users of the system are allowed to pick their own passwords). The /etc/password file also contains information like user ID's and group ID's that are used by many system programs. Therefore, the passwd file must remain world readable. If you were to change the /etc/passwd file so that everyone can't read it, the first thing that you would notice is that the ls -l command now displays user ID's instead of names! The Shadow Suite solves the problem by relocating the passwords to another file (usually /etc/shadow). The shadow file is set so that it cannot be read by just anyone. Only root will be able to read and write to the /etc/shadow file. Some programs (like xlock) require that the group shadow be allowed to read the /etc/shadow file. This is actually a good idea as programs that only need to read and verify passwords can be run SGID shadow rather than SUID root. By moving the passwords to the /etc/shadow file, we are effectively keeping the attacker from having access to the encoded passwords with which to perform a dictionary attack. Additionally, the Shadow Suite adds lots of other nice features: o A configuration file to set login defaults (/etc/login.defs) o Utilities for adding, modifying, and deleting user accounts o Password aging and expiration o Account expiration and locking o Shadowed group passwords (optional) o Double length passwords (16 character passwords) o Better control over user's password selection o Dial-up passwords o Secondary authentication programs Installing the Shadow Suite helps to contribute toward a more secure system, but there are many other things that can also be done to improve the security of a Linux system, and there will eventually be a series of Linux Security HOWTO's that will discuss other security measures and related issues. For current information on other Linux security issues, including warnings on known vulnerabilities see the Linux Security home page. 2.1. Format of the /etc/passwd file A non-shadowed /etc/passwd file has the following format: username:passwd:UID:GID:full_name:directory:shell Where: username The user (login) name passwd The encoded passwd UID Numerical user ID GID Numerical default group ID full_name The user's full name - Actually this field is called the GECOS (General Electric Comprehensive Operating System) field and can store information other than just the full name. directory User's home directory shell User's login shell For example: username:Npge08pfz4wuk:503:100:Full Name:/home/username:/bin/sh Where Np is the salt and ge08pfz4wuk is the encoded password. The encoded salt/password could just as easily have been kbeMVnZM0oL7I and the two are exactly the same password. There are 4096 possible encod- ings for the same password. (The example password in this case is 'password', a really bad password). Once the shadow suite is installed, the passwd file would instead contain: username:x:503:100:Full Name:/home/username:/bin/sh The x in the second field in this case is now just a place holder. The format of the /etc/passwd file really didn't change, it just no longer contains the encoded password. This means that any program that reads the /etc/passwd file but does not actually need to verify passwords will still operate correctly. The passwords are now relocated to the shadow file (usually /etc/shadow file). 2.2. Format of the shadow file The /etc/shadow file contains the following information: username:passwd:last:may:must:warn:expire:disable:reserved Where: username The User Name passwd The Encoded password last Days since Jan 1, 1970 that password was last changed may Days before password may be changed must Days after which password must be changed warn Days before password is to expire that user is warned expire Days after password expires that account is disabled disable Days since Jan 1, 1970 that account is disabled reserved A reserved field The previous example might then be: username:Npge08pfz4wuk:9479:0:10000:::: 2.3. Review of crypt(3). >From the crypt(3) manual page: "crypt is the password encryption function. It is based on the Data Encryption Standard algorithm with variations intended (among other things) to discourage use of hardware implementations of a key search. The key is a user's typed password. The salt is a two-character string chosen from the set a-zA-Z0-9./. This string is used to perturb the algorithm in one of 4096 different ways. By taking the lowest 7 bit of each character of the key, a 56-bit key is obtained. This 56-bit key is used to encrypt repeatedly a constant string (usually a string consisting of all zeros). The returned value points to the encrypted password, a series of 13 printable ASCII characters (the first two characters represent the salt itself). The return value points to static data whose content is overwritten by each call. Warning: The key space consists of 2**56 equal 7.2e16 possible values. Exhaustive searches of this key space are possible using massively parallel computers. Software, such as crack(1), is available which will search the portion of this key space that is generally used by humans for passwords. Hence, password selection should, at minimum, avoid common words and names. The use of a passwd(1) program that checks for crackable passwords during the selection process is recommended. The DES algorithm itself has a few quirks which make the use of the crypt(3) interface a very poor choice for anything other than password authentication. If you are planning on using the crypt(3) interface for a cryptography project, don't do it: get a good book on encryption and one of the widely available DES libraries." If you are looking for a good book on encryption, I recommend: "Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C" by Bruce Schneier ISBN: 0-471-59756-2 3. Getting the Shadow Suite. 3.1. Where to get the Shadow Suite. The original Shadow Suite was written by John F. Haugh II. There are several versions that can be used on a Linux system: o shadow-3.3.1 is the original o shadow-3.3.1-2 is Linux specific patch made by Florian La Roche ( and contains some further enhancements o shadow-mk is specifically packaged for Linux and is the recommended package. The shadow-mk package contains the shadow-3.3.1 package distributed by John F. Haugh II with the shadow-3.3.1-2 patch installed, a few fixes made by Mohan Kokal that make installation a lot easier, a patch by Joseph R.M. Zbiciak for login1.c ( that eliminates the -f, -h security holes in /bin/login, and some other miscellaneous patches. The package may be obtained from: When this document refers to the Shadow Suite I am refering to the shadow-mk package. It is also assumed that this is the package used. The Shadow-3.3.1-2 can be used, but there are a lot more steps to correctly configure it for Linux. 3.2. What is included with the Shadow Suite. The shadow package contains replacement programs for: su, login, passwd, newgrp, chfn, chsh, and id The package also contains the new programs: chage, newusers, dpasswd, gpasswd, useradd, userdel, usermod, groupadd, groupdel, groupmod, groups, pwck, grpck, lastlog, pwconv, and pwunconv Additionally, the library: libshadow.a is included for writing and/or compiling programs that need to access user passwords. Also, manual pages for the programs are also included. 4. Compiling the programs 4.1. Unpackaging the archive The first step after retrieving the package is unpacking it. The package is in the tar (tape archive) format and compressed using gzip, so first move it to /usr/src, then type: # tar -xzvf shadow-mk1.tar.gz This will unpack it into the directory: /usr/src/shadow-mk 4.2. Configuring with the config.h file You should take a look at the config.h file. This file contains definitions for some of the configuration options. If you are using the recommended shadow-mk package, you don't actually need to change any of the options. By default shadowed group passwords and long (16 character) passwords are disabled. To enable these edit the config.h file, and change the #undef to #define. Do NOT change the setting: #undef AUTOSHADOW The AUTOSHADOW option was designed so that programs that were shadow ignorant would still function. This sounds good in theory, and if you enable this option, they will. But so will any program that calls the getpwuid() and getpwnam() functions. So enabling this option, means that a simple program will read all your encoded passwords. Anyone who can compile programs or move a compiled program to your system and run it will be able to 'unshadow' your shadow file. 4.3. Making backup copies of your original programs. It would also be a good idea to track down and make backup copies of the programs that the shadow suite will replace. On a Slackware system these are: o /bin/su o /bin/login o /usr/bin/passwd o /usr/bin/newgrp o /usr/bin/chfn o /usr/bin/chsh o /bin/id Fortunately, the shadow-mk package has a save target in the Makefile, so you can make backup copies of these programs by going to the /usr/src/shadow-mk directory and typing: # make save When you do this, you see error messages. The errors are because the save target is trying to save things that you won't have on your sys- tem yet (the programs that the Shadow Suite adds). You can safely ignore the errors. You should now have a /usr/src/shadow-mk/save directory that contains the programs listed above. You may also have copies of the original pwd.h and shadow.h that came with your system. If you need to restore the original programs, you would use: # make restore If you run make save after installing the suite, it will save all the programs listed above, and all the ones that shadow installs as well. These would be the shadow versions of the programs and of course you would lose your originals. Different distributions may have the locations of these system utilities in locations that differ slightly from the locations specified in the Makefile. If you don't have the 7 programs listed above in the /usr/src/shadow-mk/save directory, then you should determine the locations and edit the Makefile or copy the files manually. 4.4. Running make Run make to compile the executables in the package: # make all 5. Installing 5.1. Have a boot disk handy in case you break anything. If something goes terribly wrong, it would be handy to have a boot disk. If you have a boot/root combination from your installation, that will work, otherwise see the Bootdisk-HOWTO , which describes how to make a bootable disk. 5.2. Removing duplicate man pages You should also move the manual pages that are about to be replaced. Even if you are brave enough install the Shadow Suite without making backups, you will still want to remove the old manual pages. The new manual pages won't normall overwrite the old ones because the old ones are probably compressed. You can use a combination of: man -aW command and locate command to locate the manual pages that need to be (re)moved. It's generally easier to figure out which are the older pages before you run make install. If you used the slackware distribution, then the manual pages you want to remove are: o /usr/man/man1/chfn.1.gz o /usr/man/man1/chsh.1.gz o /usr/man/man1/id.1.gz o /usr/man/man1/login.1.gz o /usr/man/man1/passwd.1.gz o /usr/man/man1/su.1.gz o /usr/man/man5/passwd.5.gz There may also be man pages of the same name in the /var/man/cat[1-9] subdirectories that should also be deleted. 5.3. Running make install You are now ready to type: (do this is root) # make install This will install the new and replacement programs and fix-up the file permissions. It will also install the man pages. This also takes care of installing the Shadow Suite include files in the correct places in /usr/include/shadow. If you install the shadow-3.3.1-2 package instead of the shadow-mk package, you would have to do this manually. 5.4. Running pwconv The next step is to run pwconv. This must also be done as root, and is best done from the /etc subdirectory: # cd /etc # /usr/sbin/pwconv pwconv takes your /etc/passwd file and strips out the fields to create two files: /etc/npasswd and /etc/nshadow. A pwunconv program is also provided if you need to make a normal /etc/passwd file out of an /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow conbination. 5.5. Renaming npasswd and nshadow Now that you have run pwconv you have created the files: /etc/npasswd and /etc/nshadow. These need to be copied over to /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow. We also want to make a backup copy of the original /etc/passwd file, and make sure only root can read it. We'll put the backup in root's home directory: # cd /etc # cp passwd ~passwd # chmod 600 ~passwd # mv npasswd passwd # mv nshadow shadow You should also ensure that the file ownerships and permissions are correct. If you are going to be using X-Windows, the xlock program needs to be able to read the shadow file (but not write it). This is best done by making the shadow file owned by root with a group of shadow. Before you do this, make sure that you have a shadow group (look in /etc/group). None of the users on the system should actually be in the shadow group. # chown root.root passwd # chown root.shadow shadow # chmod 0644 passwd # chmod 0640 shadow Your system now has the password file shadowed. You should now pop over to another virtual terminal and verify that you can login. If you can't, then something is wrong! To get back to a non-shadowed state, do the following the following: # cd /etc # cp ~passwd passwd # chmod 644 passwd # cd /usr/src/shadow-mk # make restore This will restore the original passwd file, and restore the files that you saved earlier in the /usr/src/shadow-mk/save directory. 6. Other programs you may need to upgrade or patch Even though the shadow suite contains replacement programs for most programs that need to access passwords, there are a few additional programs on most systems that require access to passwords. There is a package of pre-compiled binaries that are compiled for shadow support available on This package contains: ftpd, pop2d, pop3d, mesg, wall, finger, and xdm. I can't imagine why finger, wall, or mesg would ever need access to passwords. Also, you don't get the source code, so I don't recommend this package, but it's location in included for completeness. The remainder of this section discusses how to upgrade adduser, wu_ftpd, ftpd, pop3d, xlock, and sudo so that they support the shadow suite. See the section ``Adding Shadow Support to a C program'' for a discussion on how to put shadow support into any other program that needs it (although the program must then be run SUID root or SGID shadow to be able to actually access the shadow file). 6.1. Slackware adduser program Slackware distributions (and possibly some others) contain a interactive program for adding users called /sbin/adduser. A shadow version of this program can be obtained from system/Admin/accounts/adduser.shadow-1.4.tar.gz. Installation is simple: # tar -xzvf adduser.shadow-1.4.tar.gz # cd adduser.shadow.1.4 # make adduser # chmod 700 adduser # make install 6.2. The wu_ftpd Server Most Linux systems some with the wu_ftpd server. If your distribution does not come with shadow installed, then your wu_ftpd will not be compiled for shadow. wu_ftpd is launched from inetd/tcpd as a root process. If you are running an old wu_ftpd daemon, you will want to upgrade it anyway because older ones had a bug that would allow the root account to be compromised (For more info see the Linux security home page ). Fortunately, you only need to get the source code and recompile it with shadow enabled. The wu_ftp server can be found on Sunsite as wu-ftp-2.4-fixed.tar.gz Once you retrieve the server, put it in /usr/src, then type: # cd /usr/src # tar -xzvf wu-ftpd-2.4-fixed.tar.gz # cd wu-ftpd-2.4-fixed # cp ./src/config/config.lnx.shadow ./src/config/config.lnx # ./build lnx # cp /usr/sbin/wu.ftpd /usr/sbin/wu.ftpd.old # cp ./bin/ftpd /usr/sbin/wu.ftpd This uses the Linux shadow configuration file, compiles and installs the server. On my Slackware 3.0 system I also had to do the following before running build: # cd /usr/include/netinet # ln -s in_systm.h in_system.h # cd - 6.3. Standard ftpd If you are running the standard ftpd server, I would recommend that you upgrade to the wu_ftpd server. Aside from the known bug discussed above, it's generally thought to be more secure. If you insist on the standard one, or you need NIS support, Sunsite has ftpd-shadow-nis.tgz 6.4. pop3d (Post Office Protocol 3) If you need to support the third Post Office Protocol (POP3), you will need to recompile a pop3d program. pop3d is normally run by inetd/tcpd as root. There are two versions available from Sunsite: pop3d-1.00.4.linux.shadow.tar.gz and pop3d+shadow+elf.tar.gz Both of these are fairly straight forward to install. 6.5. xlock If you install the shadow suite, and then run X-windows and lock the screen without upgrading your xlock, you will have to use CNTL-ALT-Fx to switch to another tty, login, and kill the xlock process (or use CNTL-ALT-BS to kill the X server). Fortunately it's fairly easy to upgrade your xlock program. If you are running XFree86 Versions 3.x.x, you are probably using xlockmore (which is a great screen-saver in addition to a lock). This package supports shadow with a recompile. If you have an older xlock, I recommend that you upgrade to this one. xlockmore-3.5.tgz is available at: Basically, this is what you need to do: Get the xlockmore-3.5.tgz file and put it in /usr/src unpack it: # tar -xzvf xlockmore-3.5.tgz Edit the file: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/config/, and change the line: #define HasShadowPasswd NO to #define HasShadowPasswd YES Then build the executables: # cd /usr/src/xlockmore # xmkmf # make depend # make Then move everything into place and update file ownerships and permissions: # cp xlock /usr/X11R6/bin/ # cp XLock /var/X11R6/lib/app-defaults/ # chown root.shadow /usr/X11R6/bin/xlock # chmod 2755 /usr/X11R6/bin/xlock # chown root.shadow /etc/shadow # chmod 640 /etc/shadow Your xlock will now work correctly. 6.6. sudo The program sudo allows a system administrator to let users run programs that would normally require root access. This is handy because it lets the administrator limit access to the root account itself while still allowing users to do things like mounting drives. sudo needs to read passwords because it verifies the users password when it's invoked. sudo already runs SUID root, so accessing the /etc/shadow file is not a problem. sudo for the shadow suite, is available as at: The package is already setup for shadow, so all that's required is to recompile the package (put it in /usr/src): # cd /usr/src # tar -xzvf sudo-1.2-shadow.tgz # cd sudo-1.2-shadow # make all # make install 6.7. imapd (E-Mail pine package) imapd is an e-mail server similar to pop3d. imapd comes with the pine e-mail package. The documentation that comes with the package states that the default for Linux systems is to include support for shadow. However, I have found that this is not true. Furthermore, the build script / Makefile combination on this package is something that I just haven't figured out yet, so I was unable to add shadow support for imapd. If anyone has this figured out, please e-mail me, and I'll include it here. 6.8. pppd (Point-to-Point Protocol Server) The pppd server can be setup to use several types of authentication: Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) and Cryptographic Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP). The pppd server usually reads the password strings that it uses from /etc/ppp/chap-secrets and/or /etc/ppp/pap-secrets. If you are using this default behavior of pppd, it is not necessary to reinstall pppd. pppd also allows you to use the login parameter (either on the command line, or in the configuration or options file). If the login option is given, then pppd will use the /etc/passwd file for the username and passwords for the PAP. This, of course, will no longer work now that our password file is shadowed. For pppd-1.2.1d this requires adding code for shadow support. The example given in the next section is adding shadow support to pppd-1.2.1d (an older version of pppd). pppd-2.2.0 already contains shadow support. 7. Adding shadow support to a C program Adding shadow support to a program is actually fairly straightforward. The only problem is that the program must be run by root (or SUID root) in order for the the program to be able to access the /etc/shadow file. This presents one big problem; very careful programming practices must be followed when creating SUID programs. For instance, if a program has a shell escape, this must not occur as root if the program is SUID root. For adding shadow support to a program so that it can check passwords, but otherwise does need to run as root, it's a lot safer to run the program SUID shadow instead. The xlock program is an example of this. In the example given below, pppd-1.2.1d already runs SUID as root, so adding shadow support should not make the program any more vulnerable. 7.1. Header files The header files should reside in /usr/include/shadow. There should also be a /usr/include/shadow.h, but it will be a symbolic link to /usr/include/shadow/shadow.h. To add shadow support to a program, you need to include the header files: #include #include It might be a good idea to use compiler directives to conditionally compile the shadow code (I will in the example below). 7.2. libshadow.a library When you installed the Shadow Suite the libshadow.a file was created and installed in /usr/lib. When compiling shadow support into a program, the linker needs to be told to include the libshadow.a library into the link. This is done by: # gcc program.c -o program -lshadow However, as we will see in the example below, most large programs use a Makefile, and usually have a variable called LIBS=... that we will modify. 7.3. Shadow Structure The libshadow.a library uses a structure called spwd for the information it retrieves from the /etc/shadow file. This is the definition of the spwd structure from the /usr/include/shadow/shadow.h header file: ______________________________________________________________________ struct spwd { char *sp_namp; /* login name */ char *sp_pwdp; /* encrypted password */ sptime sp_lstchg; /* date of last change */ sptime sp_min; /* minimum number of days between changes */ sptime sp_max; /* maximum number of days between changes */ sptime sp_warn; /* number of days of warning before password expires */ sptime sp_inact; /* number of days after password expires until the account becomes unusable. */ sptime sp_expire; /* days since 1/1/70 until account expires */ unsigned long sp_flag; /* reserved for future use */ }; ______________________________________________________________________ The Shadow Suite can put things into the sp_pwdp field besides just the encoded passwd. The password field could contain: username:Npge08pfz4wuk;@/sbin/extra:9479:0:10000:::: This means that in addition to the password, the program /sbin/extra should be called for further authentiaction. The program called will get passed a the username and a switch that indicates why it's being called. See the file /usr/include/shadow/pwauth.h and the source code for pwauth.c for more information. What this means is that we should use the function pwauth to perform the actual authentiaction, as it will take care of the secondary authentiaction as well. The example below does this. 7.4. Shadow Functions The shadow.h file also contains the function prototypes for the functions contained in the libshadow.a library: ______________________________________________________________________ extern void setspent __P ((void)); extern void endspent __P ((void)); extern struct spwd *sgetspent __P ((__const char *__string)); extern struct spwd *fgetspent __P ((FILE *__fp)); extern struct spwd *getspent __P ((void)); extern struct spwd *getspnam __P ((__const char *__name)); extern int putspent __P ((__const struct spwd *__sp, FILE *__fp)); ______________________________________________________________________ The function that we are going to use in the example is: getspnam which will retrieve for us a spwd structure for the supplied name. 7.5. Example This is an example of adding shadow support to a program that needs it, but does not have it by default. This example uses the Point-to-Point Protocol Server (pppd-1.2.1d), which has a mode in which it performs PAP authentication using usernames and passwords from the /etc/passwd file instead of the PAP or CHAP files. You would not need to add this code to pppd-2.2.0 because it's already there. This feature of pppd probably isn't used very much, but if you installed the Shadow Suite, it won't work anymore because the passwords are no longer stored in /etc/passwd. The code for authenticating users under pppd-1.2.1d is located in the /usr/src/pppd-1.2.1d/pppd/auth.c file. The following code needs to be added to the top of the file where all the other #include directives. We have surrounded the #includes with conditional directives (i.e. only include if we are compiling for shadow support). ______________________________________________________________________ #ifdef HAS_SHADOW #include #include #endif ______________________________________________________________________ The next thing to do is to modify the actual code. We are still making changes to the auth.c file. Function auth.c before modifications: ______________________________________________________________________ /* * login - Check the user name and password against the system * password database, and login the user if OK. * * returns: * UPAP_AUTHNAK: Login failed. * UPAP_AUTHACK: Login succeeded. * In either case, msg points to an appropriate message. */ static int login(user, passwd, msg, msglen) char *user; char *passwd; char **msg; int *msglen; { struct passwd *pw; char *epasswd; char *tty; if ((pw = getpwnam(user)) == NULL) { return (UPAP_AUTHNAK); } /* * XXX If no passwd, let them login without one. */ if (pw->pw_passwd == '\0') { return (UPAP_AUTHACK); } epasswd = crypt(passwd, pw->pw_passwd); if (strcmp(epasswd, pw->pw_passwd)) { return (UPAP_AUTHNAK); } syslog(LOG_INFO, "user %s logged in", user); /* * Write a wtmp entry for this user. */ tty = strrchr(devname, '/'); if (tty == NULL) tty = devname; else tty++; logwtmp(tty, user, ""); /* Add wtmp login entry */ logged_in = TRUE; return (UPAP_AUTHACK); } ______________________________________________________________________ The user's password is placed into pw->pw_passwd, so all we really need to do is add the function getspnam. This will put the password into spwd->sp_pwdp. We will add the function pwauth to perform the actual authentiaction. This will automatically perform secondary authentication if the shadow file is setup for it. Function auth.c after modifications to support shadow: ______________________________________________________________________ /* * login - Check the user name and password against the system * password database, and login the user if OK. * * This function has been modified to support the Linux Shadow Password * Suite if USE_SHADOW is defined. * * returns: * UPAP_AUTHNAK: Login failed. * UPAP_AUTHACK: Login succeeded. * In either case, msg points to an appropriate message. */ static int login(user, passwd, msg, msglen) char *user; char *passwd; char **msg; int *msglen; { struct passwd *pw; char *epasswd; char *tty; #ifdef USE_SHADOW struct spwd *spwd; struct spwd *getspnam(); #endif if ((pw = getpwnam(user)) == NULL) { return (UPAP_AUTHNAK); } #ifdef USE_SHADOW if ((spwd = getspnam(user)) == NULL) { pw->pw_passwd = ""; } else { pw->pw_passwd = spwd->sp_pwdp; } #endif /* * XXX If no passwd, let NOT them login without one. */ if (pw->pw_passwd == '\0') { return (UPAP_AUTHNAK); } #ifdef HAS_SHADOW if ((pw->pw_passwd && pw->pw_passwd[0] == '@' && pw_auth (pw->pw_passwd+1, pw->pw_name, PW_LOGIN, NULL)) || !valid (passwd, pw)) { return (UPAP_AUTHNAK); } #else epasswd = crypt(passwd, pw->pw_passwd); if (strcmp(epasswd, pw->pw_passwd)) { return (UPAP_AUTHNAK); } #endif syslog(LOG_INFO, "user %s logged in", user); /* * Write a wtmp entry for this user. */ tty = strrchr(devname, '/'); if (tty == NULL) tty = devname; else tty++; logwtmp(tty, user, ""); /* Add wtmp login entry */ logged_in = TRUE; return (UPAP_AUTHACK); } ______________________________________________________________________ Careful examination will reveal that we made another change as well. The original version allowed access (returned UPAP_AUTHACK if there was NO password in the passwd file. This is not good, because a common use of this login feature is to use one account to allow access to the PPP process and then check the username and password supplied by PAP with the username in the /etc/passwd file and the password in the /etc/shadow file. So if we had set the original version up to run as the shell for a user i.e. ppp, then anyone could get a ppp connection by setting their PAP to user ppp and a password of null. We fixed this also by returning UPAP_AUTHNAK instead of UPAP_AUTHACK if the password field was empty. Interestly enough, pppd-2.2.0 has the same problem. Next we need to modify the Makefile so that two things occur: USE_SHADOW must be defined, and libshadow.a needs to be added to the linking process. Edit the Makefile, and add: LIBS = -lshadow Then we find the line: COMPILE_FLAGS = -I.. -D_linux_=1 -DGIDSET_TYPE=gid_t And change it to: COMPILE_FLAGS = -I.. -D_linux_=1 -DGIDSET_TYPE=gid_t -DUSE_SHADOW Now make and install. 8. Copyright Message. The Linux Shadow Password HOWTO is Copyright (c) 1996 Michael H. Jackson. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this document provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this document under the conditions for verbatim copies above, provided a notice clearly stating that the document is a modified version is also included in the modified document. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this document into another language, under the conditions specified above for modified versions. Permission is granted to convert this document into another media under the conditions specified above for modified versions provided the requirement to acknowledge the source document is fulfilled by inclusion of an obvious reference to the source document in the new media. Where there is any doubt as to what defines 'obvious' the copyright owner reserves the right to decide. 9. Miscellaneous and Acknowledgments. The code examples for auth.c are taken from pppd-1.2.1d and ppp-2.1.0e, Copyright (c) 1993 and The Australian National University and Copyright (c) 1989 Carnegie Mellon University. Please, if you have any comments or suggestions then mail them to me. regards Michael H. Jackson