5. Building the Linux Java port on stock Linuxes

Contents of this section

In this section, we collect recipes sent to us for building Randy Chapman's Java port on various current Linux distributions:

5.1 Slackware distribution ELF kernel 1.2.13.

John Franks <john@math.nwu.edu> writes that he succeeded with the following steps:

You should now be able to compile and try the "hello world" program and applet from Sun following the instructions at http://java.sun.com/progGuide/index.html .

5.2 RedHat 2.1/Caldera Preview 2

Steve Greene <sgreene@access.digex.net> reports success doing the following steps. I have edited the recipe slightly, so blame any mistakes on me. The `JDK' he refers to is the Chapman port of the Java Developer's Kit.

Steve adds: If I understand the on-line notes correctly, bin/java is a script that calls the run-time Java interpreter (used to run Java applications), bin/javac is a script for the Java compiler for compiling applications and applets, and bin/appletviewer is a script that allows you to look at an exisiting (compiled) applet.

A number of demonstration applets are in the demo directory. The applet viewer requires a file name.

I haven't figured out the correct syntax to run bin/appletviewer directly, but I figured out an alternative by examining the script file. To run a demo, I enter this command from the top of my Java directory tree, /usr/local/java on my system):

bin/java sun.applet.AppletViewer demo/<directory_name>/exampleN.html

where <directory name> is the subdirectory off demo, and N is the number of the example file (some directories have more than 1).

The first time you run Java, a license screen (which reminds me of Netscape's) is displayed.

I've started the tutorials available from Sun's java site and the similar one put out by the NTMUG. I've discovered some problems with the syntax in Sun's tutorial, so I've been following the NYMUG tutorial instead for now.

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