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4. Compatibility

4.1 Can PPP talk to a SLIP interface?

No. SLIP works with SLIP. PPP works with PPP.

Some vendors may offer products which work both as SLIP and PPP. However, they must be configured to run in one mode or the other. There is no present method to determine, based upon the protocol passed at the time of a connection, which combination of SLIP protocols or PPP is being requested.

4.2 Which is better? PPP or SLIP?

IT DEPENDS UPON MANY FACTORS. The people who post this type of question have usually not read the Net-2-HOWTO document.

A good technical discussion is available at Morning Star's www server,

4.3 Is CHAP or PAP better for authentication?

If you have the choice, use CHAP. Failing that, PAP is better than nothing.

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