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4. Compiling the programs

4.1 Unpackaging the archive

The first step after retrieving the package is unpacking it. The package is in the tar (tape archive) format and compressed using gzip, so first move it to /usr/src, then type:

# tar -xzvf shadow-mk1.tar.gz

This will unpack it into the directory: /usr/src/shadow-mk

4.2 Configuring with the config.h file

You should take a look at the config.h file. This file contains definitions for some of the configuration options. If you are using the recommended shadow-mk package, you don't actually need to change any of the options.

By default shadowed group passwords and long (16 character) passwords are disabled. To enable these edit the config.h file, and change the #undef to #define.

Do NOT change the setting: #undef AUTOSHADOW

The AUTOSHADOW option was designed so that programs that were shadow ignorant would still function. This sounds good in theory, and if you enable this option, they will. But so will any program that calls the getpwuid() and getpwnam() functions. So enabling this option, means that a simple program will read all your encoded passwords. Anyone who can compile programs or move a compiled program to your system and run it will be able to 'unshadow' your shadow file.

4.3 Making backup copies of your original programs.

It would also be a good idea to track down and make backup copies of the programs that the shadow suite will replace. On a Slackware system these are:

Fortunately, the shadow-mk package has a save target in the Makefile, so you can make backup copies of these programs by going to the /usr/src/shadow-mk directory and typing:

# make save
When you do this, you see error messages. The errors are because the save target is trying to save things that you won't have on your system yet (the programs that the Shadow Suite adds). You can safely ignore the errors. You should now have a /usr/src/shadow-mk/save directory that contains the programs listed above. You may also have copies of the original pwd.h and shadow.h that came with your system.

If you need to restore the original programs, you would use:

# make restore

If you run make save after installing the suite, it will save all the programs listed above, and all the ones that shadow installs as well. These would be the shadow versions of the programs and of course you would lose your originals.

Different distributions may have the locations of these system utilities in locations that differ slightly from the locations specified in the Makefile. If you don't have the 7 programs listed above in the /usr/src/shadow-mk/save directory, then you should determine the locations and edit the Makefile or copy the files manually.

4.4 Running make

Run make to compile the executables in the package:

# make all

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