Because of copyright restrictions that could otherwise have created legal liabilities for our resellers and customers, a number software packages have been excluded from Linux Internet Archives. In somes cases, this legal liability would be created only when customers, assuming that they are dealing with free software, attempt to incorporate contents from one of these packages to their own software. In other cases, "commercial use" is prohibited, which can be interpreted to include anything from a consultant using Linux to inclusion on a CD-ROM that is purchased by a company. More disturbingly, for some software packages, it appears that selling or even reselling the software on a CD-ROM for profit may be illegal. It is not the purpose of this notice to make trouble for other CD-ROM distributors who do include this software. Rather, we simply want to sell our CD-ROM's without such risks of legal liability and without putting our customers at risk either, and we want to explain this to our customers so that we are not unfairly blamed for trying to do the right thing. On a more positive note, excluding these packages has made it possible for us to include more free software on the CD-ROM's that comprise Linux Internet Archives, and has made Linux Internet Archives a much safer product from a legal standpoint. It should also be noted that while we have attempted to be reasonably diligent about avoid legal liabilities, chances are we have probably missed a few problems. If you spot any other files on any of our products with copyright restrictions that are more restrictive than version two of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation (Cambridge, Massachusetts), please give us a call at +1-408-261-6630. There were two other minor exclusions. Firstly, the python-1.2 binaries on are not included because they appear to be GPL'ed binaries for which source could not be found. However, the python-1.3beta binaries are included in that directory and source for that file can be extracted from the SRPMS file on the containing the RedHat 4.0 SRPM's. Sources to the RPM system are included on the disc containing the RedHat 4.0 axp binaries. You can use the rpm2cpio program in those sources to extract the python source tar file from the python SRPM. Finally, XFree86-3.1.1 is not included in the sunsite archive, because it is big enough to have required a ninth disc and is completely obviated by XFree86-3.1.2, which is included. Attached below is a copy of the mirror.defaults file used to generate the filesystem hierarchy from which Linux Internet Archives is built. It lists the program names which have been excluded, and has quotations from many of them that show the corresponding copyright restriction. You may also find this file useful in setting up your own mirrors. Note that this mirror configuration file also describes many repositories that are not included in Linux Internet Archives. Most of them are used for tracking software in our GNU/Linux distributin, "Plug & Play Linux." Adam J. Richter President Yggdrasil Computing, Inc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # reve: can be distributed "in source form only" if "no monies are exchanged" # getty_ps: "[...] as long as: there is no monetary profit gained specifically from the use or reproduction or this software, it is not sold, rented, traded or otherwise marketed [...]" # tpp-convers: "free for non-commercial use; copyrighted" # staroffice: demo shareware # procmail: "This package is however not to be sold (minor transfer costs excepted) or included in any commercially sold software package (if you want to do this anyway, contact me (address below), and we'll work something out)." # ncftp: "distributions may not be sold for profit on physical media such as disks, tapes, and CD-ROMS, without expressed written permission." # rxvt: "You can do what you like with this source code as long as you don't try to make money out of it [...]" # ts: "Copying-policy: Shareware" # FileRunner-1.2: "Commercial Usage: US$20." # dbox-1.0: "free Commercial Demo. Full Version: 100 DM and up" # netcdemo-1.01: Says "public domain", but is actually commercial demo. # For example: libraries are included only as binaries. # pflinux-504: "no commercial use." # pflnx-504: "no commercial use." # pflnx-511: "no commercial use." # x1lin-94[ij]: "No selling for profit." # xsqlmenu-1.01-beta: "Only NON-COMMERCIAL distribution allowed." # bxform-0.75: "free for non commercial use." # mgui-1.5.2: "FreeWare (for non commercial use)" # term.mailerd+smail: "Original unknown. My changes require free distribution with author attribution, and non commercial use." # perlvision-0.1.0: "PerlVision or derived code may not be used in any commercial product without my prior written or PGP-signed consent." # pgplot-5.1.0: "Copyrighted; free for education, academic research and non-commercial purposes." # Linux_Intl_proposal: "May be freely distributed amongst all Linux users and developers (no one else though)." # dungeonsrc-2.52: "freely copyable for personal use, but may not be sold." # tr_core-11: "Commercial programs developed with this core should have permission of the author." # linux.words.2: "Free for personal, educational, and research purposes." # mount-utils-1.10: "Free use, modification and redistribution only for noncommercial purposes and with Copyright intact." # mush-7.2.5: "the copyright prohibits distributing derivatives." # homealone-0.92-beta: "free for non-commercial use" # ipxtunnel-0.1A: "Freely distributable for non commercial purposes." # portato-1.2: "Non-commercial. See README file." # dfmon-1.0: "Permission granted for non-commercial" # nulib-3.24: "Keep the copyright notices and don't try to sell it, basically." #-------------- # xspaceball: "[...] provided no profit is generated thereby." # xcchess: "The source codes are also available, feel free to copy, modify or distribute, but not to sell it for profit." # xinvaders: "[...] software may not be sold for profit." # battalion: "Permission to copy and distribute battalion in its entirety, for non-commercial purposes [...] Note that distributing battalion in with any product is considered to be a 'commercial purpose.'" # neowebscript: "Freely redistributable for any purpose except commercial resale, which requires a license from NeoSoft, Inc." # tkref: "It may not be turned into a commercial product except with written permission of the author." # searchbox: "Permission to incorporate this software into commercial products may be obtained from the Office of Technology Licensing [...]" # beth: "However, one may not charge for it or include it with software which is sold." # Ddbg: "The public-domain version may be used, copied and modified as long as you keep the copyright notice and don't make any money with it." # quiver: "Permission granted for personal use and electronic redistribution provided this copyright note is included and no money is charged or profit made." # tr_core: "Commercial programs developed with this core should have permission of the author." # titrax: "[...] the only thing that can make me mad is if you sell it for real money and do not give me some." # XPostitPlus: "Since David released the code for general use, I'll just say that you can use the software for non-commercial use in any way you see fit as long as any modification you make are not redistributed without first contacting me about them." # xfractal_exlorer: "It can be copied and distributed freely as long as it is not used in any commercial program. Please contact me if you want to modify it." # xearth-1.0: "Permission to use, copy, modify and freely distribute xearth for non-commercial and not-for-profit purposes is hereby granted." # xanim: "For commercial use, a licensing agreement is required." Earlier versions of xanim did not have this restriction. # xfig: "However, be aware that if you sell xfig, for example as part of a CD-ROM package with freeware, you may be liable for paying royalties to Unisys." # suit: For-profit organizations, and people requiring more information can send email to [...]" # UITOC: "You may not sell what is essentially just the work given to you, for example a "cleaned up" version with more comments or bug fixes." # seyon: "Permission is also granted to modify the source as long as the modified source is not distributed." # tpp-conversd: "free for non-commercial use; copyrighted" # tix: "This version of Tix is copyrighted commercial software. Please read the file license.terms in the distribution carefully before using this version of Tix." # SmartList: "This package is however not to be sold (minor transfer costs excepted) or included in any commercially sold software package [...]" # # # For further examination: # xmem. # # Defaults package =defaults hostname remote_password local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site compress_prog =gzip do_deletes =true use_timelocal =false exclude_patt =^(.*/)?((pub/Linux/logos)|(imaze)|(GREAT)|(MAKEDEV-C)|(Mosaic)|(R5contrib-fixes)|(Tnos)|(XCalc)|(Xm\+\+)|(ZyXEL)|(agetty)|(ansi.0.0.7a)|(archie)|(asedit)|(bb-stock)|(bdm-linux)|(bogus)|(brlcad)|(buildlib)|(c2ps)|(calctool)|(calentool)|(chimera)|(citux323)|(ckrmu)|(cnprint)|(convers)|(crisp)|(crypt)|(daVinci)|(disktool)|(doom)|(doorway-b1)|(ebcd)|(executor)|(freedom_desktop)|(freedom_software)|(gated)|(getty_ps)|(/gopher)|(graphed)|(gs-3.33bin)|(HL-)|(/ile)|(kdrill)|(kermit)|(layout)|(ldbf)|(Cvo)|(linux-journal)|(punimax)|(lxb)|(menu2)|(moria)|(mosaic)|(mpage22)|(mpdist)|(msql)|(ncftp)|(net3d)|(netpbm)|(netscape)|(newinfo)|(non-commercial-use)|(non-free)|(ntex)|(ntm-ltx)|(pfm)|(pov)|(procmail)|(pts)|(pvquant)|(qt)|(rxvt)|(reve)|(scilab)|(sharefonts)|(siscadp1)|(smedit)|(cthugha-L)|(speak)|(spaint)|(spice)|(ss)|(prolog/swi)|(swi-pl)|(tgdb)|(tgif)|(tkman)|(traceroute.sol2)|(ts)|(ups)|(vid_src)|(rupuders)|(zapem)|(viper)|(vubbs)|(vxp)|(xautolock)|(xconq)|(xconquer)|(xelm)|(xfileman)|(xfilemanager)|(xfmail)|(xfract201)|(xfsm)|(xgalaga)|(xigc)|(xmcalendar)|(xmgr)|(xocr)|(xplot)|(xpseudo)|(xsecure2)|(xspacewars_v0)|(xsysstats1)|(xtank)|(xap.*/xv)|(xvtdl)|(xwebcomber)|(yrolo)|(mirror/|(Maelstrom)|(Mordor)|(csti.35)|(em)|(molmol)|(xanim.*)|(xforms)|(xpcd)|(astrolog)|(snapix)|(MGR)|(LNET)|(fudgit)|(starchart)|(xi)|(ScreenMachineII)|(angband)|(mordor)|(lgc)|(RolePlaying)|(dungeon)|(lincycles)|(linux-abuse)|(3d_logo)|(Maelstrom)|(Mordor)|(csti35)|(em)|(molmol)|(xpcd)|(scl_lnx)|(golddig)|(aero)|(irit)|(uemacs)|(giftool)|(aero)|(ppic0.5)|(MuPAD)|(Xsox)|(AbbotDemo)|(scl_lnx)|(golddig)|(xfig)|(4va)|(copa)|(libhelp)|(bwbasic)|(libdbf)|(bgi_library)|(newmail3.0)|(loaddog)|(rel)|(tr2tex)|(staroffice)|(tpp-convers(e?))|(FileRunner)|(dbox)|(netcdemo)|(pflinux)|(pflnx)|(pflnx)|(x1lin)|(xsqlmenu)|(bxform)|(mgui)|(term.mailerd\+smail)|(perlvision)|(pgplot)|(Linux_Intl_proposal)|(dungeonsrc)|(tr_core)|(linux.words.2)|(mount-utils)|(mush)|(homealone)|(ipxtunnel)|(portato)|(dfmon)|(nulib)|(xspaceball)|(xcchess)|(xinvaders)|(battalion)|(neowebscript)|(tkref)|(searchbox)|(beth)|(Ddbg)|(quiver)|(tr_core)|(titrax)|(XPostitPlus)|(xfractal_exlorer)|(xearth-1.0)|(xanim)|(xfig)|(suit)|(UITOC)|(seyon)|(tpp-conversd)|([Tt]ix)|(SmartList)|(kernel/old)|(sources/system/v.*)|(distributions/debian)|(distributions/slackware)|(distributions/redhat))([^A-Za-z].*)?$ do_deletes =true max_delete_files=90% max_delete_dirs= 90% #use_files =true package =fresco site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/Fresco package =postgres95_2 site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/postgres95 package =tu-bs site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/local package =zmbenhal site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/zm/zmbenhal package =mklinux site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/SW-mklinux package =w3 site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub package =f2c site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/netlib/f2c recurse_hard =true # recurse_hard is necessary because this is a Plan 9 system. package =slackbin site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/linux/slackware local_ignore =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/slackware/source package =slacksrc site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/linux/slackware_source # SLS seems to have gone away. # package =sls # site # local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/sls # remote_dir =/pub/linux/packages/SLS package =hungry site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/hungry exclude_patt =/old/ do_deletes=true package =tcl site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/tcl package =smli site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub #package =tcl #site #local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ #remote_dir =/tcl package =alpha site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/alpha/Linux-Alpha remote_dir =/pub/DEC/Linux-Alpha package =gnu site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/gnu exclude_patt =MailingListArchives package =kernel site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/kernel remote_dir =/pub/People/Torvalds_Linus package =tsx-11 site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/linux ls_lR_file =/pub/linux/ls-lR package =sunsite site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ local_ignore =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/Linux ls_lR_file =/pub/Linux/ls-lR package =X11R6.1 site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/R6.1 #local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ #remote_dir =/pub/R6.1/tars exclude_patt = #package =X11R6 #site #local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ #remote_dir =/pub/R6 package =X-doc site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/DOCS package =X-R5contrib site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/R5contrib package =X-contrib site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/contrib package =postgres95 site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/postgres95 package =mpeg_play site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/mpeg/play package =bsd_misc site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/ucb/4bsd #package =funet #site #local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ #remote_dir =/pub/OS/Linux package =andrew site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/AUIS exclude_patt =bin-dist package =infodock site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/xemacs/infodock package =xemacs site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/xemacs package =cygnus site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub package =qddb site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/unix/qddb package =wais site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/ local_ignore =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/slackware/source exclude_patt =freeWAIS-0.20[12] # Exclude freeWAIS-0.202 because it confuses source monitor, which thinks # it is version zero dot two hundred and two, instead of package =lynx site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/WWW/lynx #package =pine #site #local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ #remote_dir =/pine package=LinuxAlpha2 comment=Alpha/AXP Linux stuff part2 remote_dir=/pub/linux/axp timeout=400 retry_call=10 do_deletes=true #local_dir=/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ local_dir=/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/alpha/azstarnet package=LinuxAlpha3 comment=Alpha/AXP Linux stuff part3 # # remote_dir=/pub/alpha remote_dir=/pub/linux/Alpha/grocne timeout=400 retry_call=10 do_deletes=true #local_dir=/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ local_dir=/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/alpha/grocne package=LinuxMips comment=Mips Linux software # # remote_dir=/pub/linux/mips # # remote_dir=/pub/linux/mips remote_dir=/pub/Linux/arch/mips timeout=400 retry_call=10 do_deletes=true local_dir=/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ package=LinuxSparc comment=PowerPC Linux software remote_dir=/pub/linux/Sparc timeout=400 retry_call=10 do_deletes=true local_dir=/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/sparc package=LinuxPPC comment=PowerPC Linux software remote_dir=/pub/linux/PPC timeout=400 retry_call=10 do_deletes=true local_dir=/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/power-pc package =rfc site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/rfc remote_dir =/rfc package =redhat_rpm site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/redhat/rpm package =redhat_4 site #site #site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ #remote_dir =/pub/redhat/redhat-4.0 remote_dir =/pub/linux/redhat/redhat-4.0 #remote_dir =/pub/redhat/redhat/redhat-4.0 #exclude_patt = exclude_patt =^(.*/)?((pub/Linux/logos)|(imaze)|(GREAT)|(MAKEDEV-C)|(Mosaic)|(R5contrib-fixes)|(Tnos)|(XCalc)|(Xm\+\+)|(ZyXEL)|(agetty)|(ansi.0.0.7a)|(archie)|(asedit)|(bb-stock)|(bdm-linux)|(bogus)|(brlcad)|(buildlib)|(c2ps)|(calctool)|(calentool)|(chimera)|(citux323)|(ckrmu)|(cnprint)|(convers)|(crisp)|(crypt)|(daVinci)|(disktool)|(doom)|(doorway-b1)|(ebcd)|(executor)|(freedom_desktop)|(freedom_software)|(gated)|(getty_ps)|(/gopher)|(graphed)|(gs-3.33bin)|(HL-)|(/ile)|(kdrill)|(layout)|(ldbf)|(Cvo)|(linux-journal)|(punimax)|(lxb)|(menu2)|(moria)|(mosaic)|(mpage22)|(mpdist)|(msql)|(ncftp)|(net3d)|(netscape)|(newinfo)|(non-commercial-use)|(non-free)|(ntex)|(ntm-ltx)|(pfm)|(pov)|(procmail)|(pts)|(pvquant)|(qt)|(rxvt)|(reve)|(scilab)|(sharefonts)|(siscadp1)|(smedit)|(cthugha-L)|(speak)|(spaint)|(spice)|(ss)|(prolog/swi)|(swi-pl)|(tgdb)|(tgif)|(tkman)|(traceroute.sol2)|(ups)|(vid_src)|(rupuders)|(zapem)|(viper)|(vubbs)|(vxp)|(xautolock)|(xconq)|(xconquer)|(xelm)|(xfileman)|(xfilemanager)|(xfmail)|(xfract201)|(xfsm)|(xgalaga)|(xigc)|(xmcalendar)|(xmgr)|(xocr)|(xplot)|(xpseudo)|(xsecure2)|(xspacewars_v0)|(xsysstats1)|(xtank)|(xap.*/xv)|(xvtdl)|(xwebcomber)|(yrolo)|(mirror/|(Maelstrom)|(Mordor)|(csti.35)|(molmol)|(xanim.*)|(xforms)|(xpcd)|(astrolog)|(snapix)|(LNET)|(fudgit)|(starchart)|(xi)|(ScreenMachineII)|(angband)|(mordor)|(lgc)|(RolePlaying)|(dungeon)|(lincycles)|(linux-abuse)|(3d_logo)|(Maelstrom)|(Mordor)|(csti35)|(molmol)|(xpcd)|(scl_lnx)|(golddig)|(aero)|(irit)|(uemacs)|(giftool)|(aero)|(ppic0.5)|(MuPAD)|(Xsox)|(AbbotDemo)|(scl_lnx)|(golddig)|(xfig)|(4va)|(copa)|(libhelp)|(bwbasic)|(libdbf)|(bgi_library)|(newmail3.0)|(loaddog)|(rel)|(tr2tex)|(staroffice)|(tpp-convers(e?))|(FileRunner)|(dbox)|(netcdemo)|(pflinux)|(pflnx)|(pflnx)|(x1lin)|(xsqlmenu)|(bxform)|(mgui)|(term.mailerd\+smail)|(perlvision)|(pgplot)|(Linux_Intl_proposal)|(dungeonsrc)|(tr_core)|(linux.words.2)|(mount-utils)|(mush)|(homealone)|(ipxtunnel)|(portato)|(dfmon)|(nulib)|(xspaceball)|(xcchess)|(xinvaders)|(battalion)|(neowebscript)|(tkref)|(searchbox)|(beth)|(Ddbg)|(quiver)|(tr_core)|(titrax)|(XPostitPlus)|(xfractal_exlorer)|(xearth-1.0)|(xanim)|(xfig)|(suit)|(UITOC)|(seyon)|(tpp-conversd)|(SmartList)|(kernel/old)|(sources/system/v.*)|(distributions/debian)|(distributions/slackware)|(distributions/redhat))([^A-Za-z].*)?$ #package =redhat #site #local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ #remote_dir =/pub #do_deletes=true #make_bad_symlinks=true #mode_copy=true #package =gic #site #local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ #remote_dir =/pub/users/marwood package =cxterm site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/ygz #package =httpd #site #local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ #remote_dir =/Web/httpd/Unix/ncsa_httpd package =tiff site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/graphics/tiff package =slang site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/davis/slang package =games site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/hpux/Games package =byacc site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/hpux/Languages/byacc-3.0 package =ptolemy site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/misc package =caltech site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub package =metamail site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/nsb exclude_patt =EmailWorld|samples package =smail site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/networking/mail/smail package =mule site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/free/gnu/emacs/Mule package =elvis site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/elvis package =youbin site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/nagoya-u package =inn site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/INN package =bind site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/bind/release package =gn site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/gn # XXX: Mirror bug. For some reason, mirror things that this directory is # empty. #package =xexit #site #local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ #remote_dir =/pub/comp/X11/contrib/clients/xexit #exclude_patt =foo package =debian site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/debian remote_dir =/debian exclude_patt =((rxvt)|(reve)|(tgif)|(procmail)|(non-free)|(unstable)|(rex))([^A-Za-z].*)?$ package =cpan site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/plan/perl/CPAN exclude_patt =(ports/) package =tcp_wrappers site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/security package =LPRng site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/LPRng exclude_patt =old package =tcsh site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/dist/tcsh package =lyx site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/lyx package =FL site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/outgoing/fl #package =png #site #local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/pub/ngf #remote_dir =/pub/ngf package =png site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/graphics/png package =wbuild site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/FWF exclude_patt =fwf|untarred package =petidomo site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/peti exclude_patt =Amiga package =web2c site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/packages/TeX/systems/web2c package =linux_international site local_dir =/a/freya/home/ftp/mirrors/site/ remote_dir =/pub/li/web