#!/bin/csh -fb # (The "-fb" might need to be changed to "-f" on some systems) # set HOSTNAME=thumper.bellcore.com set DIRNAME=pub/nsb set PREFIX="mm.patch." if ($#argv < 2 || $#argv > 5) then echo Usage: patch-metamail source-tree-root patch-number [hostname [dirname [prefix]]] exit -1 endif set TREEROOT=$1 set PATCHNUMBER=$2 if ($#argv > 2) set HOSTNAME=$3 if ($#argv > 3) set DIRNAME=$4 if ($#argv > 4) set PREFIX=$5 echo WARNING: This program, if allowed to do so, will attempt to echo install a PATCH file for your metamail sources which are rooted echo in the directory $TREEROOT. echo "" echo It will use a patch file that it retrieves via anonymous ftp echo from the host $HOSTNAME, in the directory $DIRNAME, echo with filenames starting with ${PREFIX}. echo "" echo -n "Do you want to install the patch in directory $TREEROOT [y/n] ? " set ans=$< if ($ans == "y" || $ans == "Y") then cd $TREEROOT set ident=`whoami`@`hostname` echo Using anonymous ftp with password $ident ftp -n <