#!/bin/csh -f # # Uses ghostscript to translate an Encapsulated PostScript file to # Portable Anymap format file(s). # pstopnm will create as many files as the number of pages in # the Postscript document. The name of the files will be # psfile001.ppm, psfile002.ppm, etc. # The ouput files will contain the area inside the BoundingBox. # If BoundingBox parameters are not found in the PostScript # document, default values are used. # # # Usage: pstopnm [-forceplain] [-help] [-llx s] [-lly s] # [-urx s] [-ury s] [-nocrop] [-pbm|-pgm|-ppm] # [-verbose] [-xborder n] [-xmax n] [-xsize n] # [-yborder n] [-ymax n] [-ysize n] # [-portrait] [-landscape] psfile[.ps] # # Copyright (C) 1992 by Alberto Accomazzi, Smithsonian Astrophysical # Observatory (alberto@cfa.harvard.edu). # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its # documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, # provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and # that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear # in supporting documentation. This software is provided "as is" # without express or implied warranty. # set noglob set progname = $0 set progname = $progname:t set filtertail = "raw" set filterhead = "ppm" set xsize = 0 set ysize = 0 set xres = "" set yres = "" # default values: max image x and y sizes set xmax = 612 set ymax = 792 # default values: image area fits in a 8.5x11 sheet with 1 inch border set llx = 72 set lly = 72 set urx = 540 set ury = 720 # default values: x and y borders are 10% of x and y size set xborder = "0.1" set yborder = "0.1" # default values: orientation is unknown set orient = 0 set psfile = "" set USAGE = "Usage: $progname [-forceplain] [-help] [-llx s] [-lly s]\ [-urx s] [-ury s] [-landscape] [-portrait]\ [-nocrop] [-pbm|-pgm|-ppm] [-verbose] [-xborder s] [-xmax s]\ [-xsize s] [-yborder s] [-ymax s] [-ysize s] psfile[.ps]" alias usage 'echo $USAGE; exit 1' while ($#argv > 0) switch ($argv[1]) case -h*: # -help usage breaksw case -pbm: case -pgm: case -ppm: set filterhead = `echo "$argv[1]" | sed "s/-//1"` breaksw case -llx: shift argv if ($#argv == 0) eval usage set llx = `(echo "scale=4";echo "$argv[1] * 72")|bc -l` set nobb breaksw case -lly: shift argv if ($#argv == 0) eval usage set lly = `(echo "scale=4";echo "$argv[1] * 72")|bc -l` set nobb breaksw case -urx: shift argv if ($#argv == 0) eval usage set urx = `(echo "scale=4";echo "$argv[1] * 72")|bc -l` set nobb breaksw case -ury: shift argv if ($#argv == 0) eval usage set ury = `(echo "scale=4";echo "$argv[1] * 72")|bc -l` set nobb breaksw case -no*: # -nocrop set nocrop breaksw case -xs*: # -xsize shift argv if ($#argv == 0) eval usage @ xsize = $argv[1] breaksw case -ys*: # -ysize shift argv if ($#argv == 0) eval usage @ ysize = $argv[1] breaksw case -xm*: # -xmax shift argv if ($#argv == 0) eval usage @ xmax = $argv[1] breaksw case -ym*: # -ymax shift argv if ($#argv == 0) eval usage @ ymax = $argv[1] breaksw case -xb*: # -xborder shift argv if ($#argv == 0) eval usage set xborder = $argv[1] breaksw case -yb*: # -yborder shift argv if ($#argv == 0) eval usage set yborder = $argv[1] breaksw case -f*: # -forceplain set filtertail = "" breaksw case -v*: # -verbose set verb breaksw case -po*: # -portrait set orient = 1 breaksw case -la*: # -landscape set orient = 2 breaksw case -*: echo "${progname}: Unknown option $argv[1]" usage breaksw default: # input file set psfile = $argv[1] set ppmfile = `basename $argv[1] .ps` breaksw endsw shift argv end if ($psfile =~ "") eval usage if (! -f $psfile) then echo "${progname}: file $psfile not found" usage endif set bb = `grep "%%BoundingBox" $psfile` if ($?nobb == 0 && $#bb == 5) then set llx = $bb[2] set lly = $bb[3] set urx = $bb[4] set ury = $bb[5] else if ($?nobb == 0) \ echo "${progname}: warning: BoundingBox not found in input file" endif set tmpsx = `(echo "scale=4";echo "$urx - $llx")|bc -l` set tmpsy = `(echo "scale=4";echo "$ury - $lly")|bc -l` # see if orientation was specified if ($orient == 0) then # no orientation was specified; compute default orientation set tmpx = 0 set tmpy = 0 set tmpsx1 = $tmpsx:r set tmpsy1 = $tmpsy:r # default is landscape mode set orient = 2 if ($xsize == 0 && $ysize == 0) then set tmpx = $xmax set tmpy = $ymax else if ($xsize != 0) set tmpx = $xsize if ($ysize != 0) set tmpy = $ysize endif if ($tmpx == 0 || $tmpy == 0) then # only one size was specified if ($tmpsy1 > $tmpsx1) set orient = 1 else # no size or both sizes were specified if ($tmpsy1 > $tmpsx1 && $tmpy > $tmpx) set orient = 1 if ($tmpsx1 > $tmpsy1 && $tmpx > $tmpy) set orient = 1 endif endif # now reset BoundingBox llc and total size to take into account margin set llx = `(echo "scale=4";echo "$llx - $tmpsx * $xborder")|bc -l` set lly = `(echo "scale=4";echo "$lly - $tmpsy * $yborder")|bc -l` set urx = `(echo "scale=4";echo "$urx + $tmpsx * $xborder")|bc -l` set ury = `(echo "scale=4";echo "$ury + $tmpsy * $yborder")|bc -l` # compute image area size set sx = `(echo "scale=4";echo "$tmpsx + 2 * $xborder * $tmpsx")|bc -l` set sy = `(echo "scale=4";echo "$tmpsy + 2 * $yborder * $tmpsy")|bc -l` if ($orient != 1) then # render image in landscape mode set tmpsx = $sx set sx = $sy set sy = $tmpsx endif # if xsize or ysize was specified, compute resolution from them if ($xsize != 0) set xres = `(echo "scale=4";echo "$xsize *72 / $sx")|bc -l` if ($ysize != 0) set yres = `(echo "scale=4";echo "$ysize *72 / $sy")|bc -l` if ($xres =~ "" && $yres !~ "") then # ysize was specified, xsize was not; compute xsize based on ysize set xres = $yres set xsize = `(echo "scale=4";echo "$sx * $xres /72 + 0.5")|bc -l` set xsize = $xsize:r else if ($yres =~ "" && $xres !~ "") then # xsize was specified, ysize was not; compute ysize based on xsize set yres = $xres set ysize = `(echo "scale=4";echo "$sy * $yres /72 + 0.5")|bc -l` set ysize = $ysize:r else if ($xres =~ "" && $yres =~ "") then # neither xsize nor ysize was specified; compute them from # xmax and ymax set xres = `(echo "scale=4";echo "$xmax *72/$sx")|bc -l` set yres = `(echo "scale=4";echo "$ymax *72/$sy")|bc -l` set xres = `(echo "scale=4";echo "if($xres>$yres)$yres";echo "if($yres>$xres)$xres")|bc -l` set yres = $xres if ($?nocrop) then # keep output file dimensions equal to xmax and ymax set xsize = $xmax set ysize = $ymax else set xsize = `(echo "scale=4";echo "$sx * $xres /72+0.5")|bc -l` set ysize = `(echo "scale=4";echo "$sy * $yres /72+0.5")|bc -l` endif set xsize = $xsize:r set ysize = $ysize:r endif endif endif # translate + rotate image, if necessary if ($orient == 1) then # portrait mode # adjust offsets set llx = `(echo "scale=4";echo "$llx - ($xsize *72/$xres - $sx)/2")|bc -l` set lly = `(echo "scale=4";echo "$lly - ($ysize *72/$yres - $sy)/2")|bc -l` set pstrans = "$llx neg $lly neg translate" else # landscape mode # adjust offsets set llx = `(echo "scale=4";echo "$llx - ($ysize *72/$yres - $sy)/2")|bc -l` set ury = `(echo "scale=4";echo "$ury + ($xsize *72/$xres - $sx)/2")|bc -l` set pstrans = "90 rotate $llx neg $ury neg translate" endif if ($?verb) then echo "sx = $sx" echo "sy = $sy" echo "xres = $xres" echo "yres = $yres" echo "xsize = $xsize" echo "ysize = $ysize" echo -n "orientation " if ($orient == 1) then echo "portrait" else echo "landscape" endif echo "PS header: $pstrans" endif echo "${progname}: writing $filterhead file(s)" echo $pstrans | \ gs -sDEVICE=${filterhead}${filtertail} \ -sOutputFile=$ppmfile%03d.$filterhead \ -g${xsize}x${ysize} \ -r${xres}x${yres} \ -q - $psfile