Note to users installing Red Hat from Yggdrasil Linux Internet Archives Because of copyright restrictions that could otherwise create legal liabilities for our resellers and customers, the following software packages are not included on this CD-ROM. As a result, YOU WILL SEE OCCASIONAL ERROR DIALOGS IN THE REDHAT INSTALL. These error dialogs are harmless. We have deliberately kept these error messages for the benefit of people who want to keep track of which of these packages otherwise would have been installed under their particular configuration. PROGRAM EXCERPT FROM COYPING CONDITIONS getty_ps "[...] as long as: there is no monetary profit gained specifically from the use or reproduction or this software, it is not sold, rented, traded or otherwise marketed [...]" ncftp "distributions may not be sold for profit on physical media such as disks, tapes, and CD-ROMS, without expressed written permission." doom (shareware) procmail "This package is however not to be sold (minor transfer costs excepted) or included in any commercially sold software package (if you want to do this anyway, contact me (address below), and we'll work something out)." ["minor transfer costs excepted" may or may not cover the entire cost of the CD-ROM product. Does is cover an $800 Solaris CD? How about $100 Linux CD?] rxvt "You can do what you like with this source code as long as you don't try to make money out of it [...]" seyon "[...] as long as the modified source is not distributed." spice "the sale, resale, or use of this program for profit without the express written consent of the department of electrical engineering and computer sciences, university of california, berkeley, california, is forbidden." xanim "For commercial use, a licensing agreement is required." [Earlier version of xanim did not have this restriction, but the one in Red Hat 4.0 does.] xearth "Permission to use, copy, modify and freely distribute xearth for non-commercial and not-for-profit purposes is hereby granted." [earlier versions allowed for-profit distribution.] xfig "However, be aware that if you sell xfig, for example as part of a CD-ROM package with freeware, you may be liable for paying royalties to Unisys." xgalaga "Whether or not you send me the dough, you are free to distribute this archive provided all files are left intact, and no fees are charged other than a reasonable amount for the cost of distributing it (floppy disk, CD-rom, etc.)" [Again, the "reasonable cost" problem.] In somes cases (doom and seyon), this legal liability would be created only when customers, assuming that they are dealing with free software, attempt to incorporate contents from one of these packages to their own software. This issue could resolved by reenigeering the Red Hat distribution structure to clearly separate such software (as other linux distributors have started to do), however it is not our intention to perform and test our own engineering on the contents of Linux Internet Archives. Linux Internet Archives is supposed to be, after all, just snapshots of Linux FTP sites minus any unfree software. In other cases, "commercial use" is prohibited, which can be interpreted to include anything from a consultant using Linux to inclusion on a CD-ROM that is purchased by a company. More disturbingly, for some software packages, it appears that selling or even reselling the software on a CD-ROM for profit may be illegal. It is not the purpose of this notice to make trouble for other CD-ROM distributors who do include this software. Rather, we simply want to sell our CD-ROM's without such risks of legal liability and without putting our customers at risk either, and we want to explain this to our customers so that we are not unfairly blamed for trying to do the right thing. Finally, it should also be noted that while we have attempted to be reasonably diligent about avoiding legal liabilities, we have probably missed a few problems. If you spot any other files on any of our products with copyright restrictions that are more restrictive than version two of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation (Cambridge, Massachusetts), please contact us by any convient method. Here is our contact information: Yggdrasil Computing, Inc. 4880 Stevens Creek Blvd., Suite 205 San Jose, CA 95129 United States of America +1 408 261 6630 fax: +1 408 261 6631