The bootFlashPoint.img file contains a BETA testing version of the BusLogic driver which supports the BusLogic FlashPoint SCSI adapters. It is untested and we can take no responsibility for the results of attempting to use it. Do *not* use this driver if you have a BusLogic MultiMaster controller. use the driver for the BusLogic MultiMaster controller that is included in our standard install. This beta-test version of the driver is intended to work on both FlashPoint and MultiMaster controllers, but has not been extensively tested on either type of controller. The standard BusLogic driver with only MultiMaster support has been much better tested and is less likely to exhibit problems. Follow these steps to install with this boot image: o Use dd (or rawrite) to write it to a floppy, creating your boot image. o Boot it. When you are asked to insert a root floppy disk, insert the standard boot floppy, then press ENTER. o Do a normal installation or upgrade. o When the installation or upgrade has finished and the computer reboots, put the boot floppy in the drive and boot off it with the boot command: linux root=/dev/sd?? where "sd??" is the root partition on which you installed Linux. o After booting, mount the boot floppy, probably like this: mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy o Then copy the kernel image from the floppy over the default one provided with the system: cp /mnt/floppy/vmlinuz /boot/vmlinuz o Re-run lilo: lilo o Shutdown and reboot: shutdown -r now At this point, you should have a working Linux system.