#!/bin/csh -fb # (The "-fb" might need to be changed to "-f" on some systems) # if ($#argv < 1) then echo "Usage: extcompose output-file-name" exit 1 endif set OUTFNAME=$1 chooseaccesstype: echo "" echo "Where is the external data that you want this mail message to reference?" echo " 1 -- In a local file" echo " 2 -- In an AFS file" echo " 3 -- In an anonymous FTP directory on the Internet" echo " 4 -- In an Internet FTP directory that requires a valid login" echo " 5 -- Under the control of a mail server that will send the data on request" echo "" echo -n "Please enter a number from 1 to 5: " set ans=$< if ($ans == 1) then set accesstype=local-file else if ($ans == 2) then set accesstype=afs else if ($ans == 3) then set accesstype=anon-ftp else if ($ans == 4) then set accesstype=ftp else if ($ans == 5) then set accesstype=mail-server else echo "That is NOT one of your choices." goto chooseaccesstype endif if ($accesstype == "ftp" || $accesstype == "anon-ftp") then echo -n "Enter the full Internet domain name of the FTP site: " set site=$< echo -n "Enter the name of the directory containing the file (RETURN for top-level): " set directory=$< echo -n "Enter the name of the file itself: " set name = $< echo -n "Enter the transfer mode (type 'image' for binary data, RETURN otherwise): " set mode = $< if ($mode == "") set mode=ascii echo "Content-type: message/external-body; access-type=$accesstype; name="\"$name\"\; > $OUTFNAME echo -n " site="\"$site\" >> $OUTFNAME if ($directory != "") echo -n "; directory="\"$directory\">> $OUTFNAME if ($mode != "") echo -n "; mode="\"$mode\">> $OUTFNAME echo "">> $OUTFNAME else if ($accesstype == "local-file" || $accesstype == "afs") then fname: echo -n "Enter the full path name for the file: " set name = $< if (! -e $name) then echo "The file $name does not seem to exist." goto fname endif echo "Content-type: message/external-body; access-type=$accesstype; name="\"$name\"> $OUTFNAME else if ($accesstype == "mail-server") then echo -n "Enter the full email address for the mailserver: " set server=$< echo "Content-type: message/external-body; access-type=$accesstype; server="\"$server\"> $OUTFNAME else echo accesstype $accesstype not yet implemented goto chooseaccesstype endif echo -n "Please enter the MIME content-type for the externally referenced data: " set ctype = $< getcenc: echo "Is this data already encoded for email transport?" echo " 1 -- No, it is not encoded" echo " 2 -- Yes, it is encoded in base64" echo " 3 -- Yes, it is encoded in quoted-printable" echo " 4 -- Yes, it is encoded using uuencode" set encode=$< switch ("$encode") case 1: set cenc="" breaksw case 2: set cenc="base64" breaksw case 3: set cenc="quoted-printable" breaksw case 4: set cenc="x-uue" breaksw default: echo "That is not one of your choices." goto getcenc endsw echo "" >> $OUTFNAME echo "Content-type: " $ctype >> $OUTFNAME if ($cenc != "") echo "Content-transfer-encoding: " $cenc >> $OUTFNAME echo "" >> $OUTFNAME if ($accesstype == "mail-server") then echo "Please enter all the data to be sent to the mailserver in the message body, " echo "ending with ^D or your usual end-of-data character:" cat >> $OUTFNAME endif