# Sample .xtrekrc # # Specify this file with: # netrek -r defaults # # If you do not specify a file, then .paradiserc from your home directory # is used. If .paradiserc does not exist then .xtrekrc is used. # # Documentation for all options is available in # http://www.cis.ufl.edu/~thoth/paradise/xtrekrc.html # # You can have defaults from other files included using '#include '. # This lets you put all your public settings into one file, .xtrekrc for # example and all your private stuff into another file. You can use ~ in # the file name to signify your $HOME directory. In your private # file you can have passwords in the form of 'password: passwd' for a # general password, or 'password.player: passwd' for passwd's associated # with your player name, or 'password.server: passwd' for server specific # passwords. name: guest # changes to the basic colors: #color.white: white #color.black: black #color.red: paleVioletRed1 #color.green: green #color.yellow: yellow #color.cyan: cyan #color.cyan: dodgerblue color.cyan: DeepSkyBlue #color.light grey: light grey #miscellaneous toggles # 0=none, 1=time of day, 2=time on server, 3=time in ship, 4=user set time timerType: 3 #shipBitmapPath: /tmp_mnt/home/edison/dyessww/netrek/bitmaps/ #soundPath: /home/smpatel/netrek/sounds #soundDev: /dev/dsp # put enemy on left with sorted playerlist robsort: on # show dead players in playerlist showDead: on # sort outfitting ('--') players to bottom sortOutfitting: on # show pre-login players showPreLogins: on # replace 0.00 with " " when acceptable (paradise servers) hideNoKills: on warpStreaks: on # use rainbow dashboard in paradise # 0=old dashboard, 1=new dashboard, 2=color dashboard, 3=rainbow dashboard Dashboard: 3 # clear my keymap each time, ie ignore the server's copy clearMap: on # use hull warning dots warnHull: on # replace ?? cloaker symbol with >< cloakChars: >< showShields: on #showStats: on reportKills: on showMySpeed: on # vary color of shields with damage varyShields: on keepPeace: on galacticFrequent: on showTractor: on showTractorPressor: on showPlanetNames: on showPlanetOwner: off sortPlayers: on warp: on defaultShip: CA logging: on logMessage: on logfile: /tmp_mnt/home/edison/dyessww/tmp/logfile # galactic map stuff: 0=ownership 1=resources 2=nothing showGalactic: 1 showLocal: 1 # lock : 0=don't show 1=galactic only 2=tactical only 3=both showLock: 3 netStats: off tryUDP: on # udpClientSend: 0=TCP only 1=simple UDP 2=enforced UDP (state only) # 3=enforced UDP (state & weap) udpClientSend: 3 # udpClientReceive: 0=TCP only 1=simple UDP 2=fat UDP 3=double UDP udpClientReceive: 2 udpSequenceCheck: on # udpDebug: 0 = OFF 1 = ON (conect msgs only) 2 = ON (verbose output) udpDebug: 0 udpUpdates: 5 # I'd turn this on, but there's no 'fat S_P' - I can manually enable if lag # is bad tryShort: off WaitMotd.mapped: on # show tractor/pressor of everyone in tactical showAllTractorPressor: on # show # per team and messages infoIcon: on updateSpeed: 0 # set time for autoquit autoQuit: 199 # show blinking lights on console for packets packetLights: on # show box on galactic map representing tactical window viewBox: on # number sectors in galactic map sectorNums: on # display a line from you to target of lock lockLine: on # use new sorting for planet list mapSort: on # automaticly set war dec's according the scheme: # 1) set war with nonzero player teams, peace w/ 0 player teams # 2) set war with largest enemy team, peace w/ everyone else autoSetWar: 1 # extra info on resources of local planets; add the values of what you want # displayed: 1 = army count; 2 = repair; 4 = fuel; 8 = agri; 16 = shipyard # paradise option only tacPlanetInfo: 9 # cycle phaser hits through all colors jubileePhasers: on # send request for full update ('=') each time you enter askforupdate: on # allow a lower case t to send messages to team lowercaset: on #use the flight recorder? #recordGame: on #recordFile: /tmp/netrek.record #set maximum record file size in bytes: maxRecord: 1000000 # Playback (also, -F from command line) #playback: on #playFile: /tmp/netrek.record #A minimum of x/10's of a second between redraws: redrawDelay: 0 #Draw an X over independant planets: (good for b&w) showIND: off #some very silly stuff to draw ship status on local window. # Either needs work, or needs to be tossed ;) #(part of an effort to get rid of the dashboard on my small display) #stats that can be shown: #'D'amage, 'S'hields, 'F'uel, 'A'rmies, s'P'eed, 'W'temp, 'E'temp #a lower case letter reverses the line for that stat. statString: dASF localShipStats: on localStatsX: 25 localStatsY: 450 statHeight: 80 #only with short packets: remove "GOD->ALL" from the front of kill msgs. godToAllOnKills: off #don't beep when you try to scroll too far: scrollBeep: off # Also in scrolling windows: ^p scrolls one line back, ^n one line forward, # left button one page pack, right button page forward, middle button to end, # ^e clears the window(but not the scrollback) #----[ fonts #italicfont: 6x10i #font: -*-clean-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-c-60-* #boldfont: -*-clean-bold-r-normal--10-100-75-75-c-60-* #italicfont: -*-clean-italic-r-normal--10-100-75-75-c-60-* #italicfont: -schumacher-clean-bold-r-normal--10-100-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1 # italic=normal italicfont: -*-clean-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-c-60-* #bigfont: -*-fixed-medium-r-normal--24-*-100-100-c-120-*-* # Here I start messing around with window placement. # For *all* of the windows listed, you can specify if you want them mapped, # their geometry, and their parent. # When specifying geometry for text (and scrolling) windows, specify # in terms of characters wide and high. Specify size of a menu only # at your own risk (there is no real benefit to doing this). netrek.geometry: 1000x800+0+1 # The main window netrek_icon.geometry: +1031+0 # The icon #stats.geometry: +512+576 #player.geometry: 82x24+0+576 # The player list player.geometry: 82x24+0+550 # The player list player.mapped: on player.parent: netrek #review.geometry: 82x24+512+576 # Main message window review.geometry: 82x24+500+548 # Main message window review.mapped: on review.parent: netrek # # This is my keymap help file followed by keymap: # comments to Bill.Dyess@eng.auburn.edu (Thought) # # Key Default Function New Function Key #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #| a | ? | afterburners (`) | a | #| b | bomb planet | | b | #| c | cloaking | | c | #| d | detonate other torpedoes | detonate own torps (D) | d | #| e | docking permission toggle | max warp (%) | e | #| f | launch plasma torpedoes | | f | #| g | - | fire phasers (p) | g | #| h | help window toggle | whatever 'a' was (a) | h | #| i | info on player / planet | | i | #| j | - | war window toggle (w) | j | #| k | set course | | k | #| l | lock onto player / planet | | l | #| n | - | change ship types (r) | n | #| o | orbit (dock at starbase) | | o | #| p | fire phaser | | p | #| q | quick quit | warp 3 (3) | q | #| r | change ship type | pressor beam on (^) | r | #| s | shields toggle | | s | #| t | launch torpedoes | tractor beam off (_) | t | #| u | shields toggle | | u | #| v | - | info on player / planet (i) | v | #| w | war window toggle | warp 5 (5) | w | #| x | beam down armies | Macro mode (X) | x | #| y | pressor beam toggle | tractor/pressor off ($) | y | #| z | beam up armies | Coup/Change weapons (C) | z | #| ' | start message to team | | ' | #| A | - | army call (F) | A | #| B | show galactic info (two levels) | | B | #| C | coup a planet / change weapons | show local info (two levels) (V) | C | #| D | detonate my torpedoes | ludicrous speed (-) | D | #| E | emergency distress call | | E | #| F | army call | lock onto player / planet (l) | F | #| G | - | lock onto planet (;) | G | #| I | extended info on player | | I | #| L | list players | | L | #| O | options window | | O | #| M | map updates toggle | | M | #| N | name mode toggle | | N | #| P | list planets | | P | #| Q | self destruct | quick quit (q) | Q | #| R | repair mode | | R | #| S | toggle status graph | | S | #| T | toggle tractor beam | transwarp (*) | T | #| U | list ranks | | U | #| V | show local info (two levels) | extended info on player (I) | V | #| W | - | toggle war window | W | #| X | macro mode | beam down armies (x) | X | #| Z | - | beam up armies (z) | Z | #| ? | message window toggle | help window toggle (h) | ? | #| _ | turn on tractor beam | | _ | #| ^ | turn on pressor beam | | ^ | #| $ | turn off tractor/pressor | | $ | #| ; | lock onto planet | | ; | #| * | bring in practice robot | | * | #| [ | shield down | | [ | #| ] | shield up | | ] | #| * | practice robot / transwarp | torps (t) | * | #| & | re-read .xtrekrc | | & | #| ` | afterburners | warp 0 (0) | ` | #|0-9| warp 0-9 | |0-9| #| ) | warp 10 | | ) | #| ! | warp 11 | | ! | #| @ | warp 12 | | @ | #| % | max warp | | % | #| # | half warp | | # | #|Spc| clear all windows | det other torpedoes (d) |Spc| #| / | - | docking permission toggle (e) | / | #| - | ludicrous speed | | - | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #buttonmap uses the remapped keys (annoying) #buttonmap: 1*2p3k4*5p6k7*8p9ka*bpck # #This is the default keymap #keymap: aabbccddeeffhhiikklloopprrssttuuwwxxyyzz BBCCDDEEIILLOOMMNNPPRRSSTTUUVV??[[]]**00112233445566778899((!!@@%%## # keymap: a`bbccdDe%ffgphaiijjkkllmmnrooppq3sst_uuviw5xXy$zC dAFBBCVD-EEFlG;HHIIJJKKLLMMNNOOPPQqRRSST*UUVIWwXxYYZz?h[[]]*t`01133/er^ # ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ #ckeymap: ^q^1^w^2^e^3^r^4^xX # ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ #keymap: a`dDe%ffgphajwnrq3rytTviw5xXylzCAFCVD-FlGeT*QQVIWwXxZz?h d/e`01133*t # #Messages : put cursor in lower thin window, type: 0-9a-j for player, t #for team, A for all, F/R/K/O for races. Hit Esc to cancel a message. # #New keymap graphically: # # (q) (w) (e) (r) (t) (y) # warp3 warp5 maxwarp pressor tractor lockon # # (a) (s) (d) (f) (g) (h) # aftrbrnrs shields detmyown phaser plasma whatever-a # # (z) (x) (c) (v) (b) (n) # weapchange macromode cloak viewinfo bomb newship # #Shifted: # # (Q) (W) (E) (R) (T) # quit warwindow emermesg repair transwarp # # (A) (S) (D) (F) (G) # army call status ludicrous lockon dockingtoggle # # (Z) (X) (C) (V) (B) # beamup beamdown localinfo2 xtrainfo galacinfo # ############################################################################### # this sets the default server and port (and verification scheme) server: pippin.ee.usu.edu server.paradise: pippin.ee.usu.edu server.eden: eelpout.micro.umn.edu server.arctica: netrek.cis.ufl.edu server.aedile: aedile.icaen.uiowa.edu port.aedile 2592 useRSA.aedile on # phaser window # 0 = don't show 1 = show on kill window 2 = show on phaser window # 3 = show on total review window only showPhaser: 2 review_phaser.mapped: on review_phaser.parent: netrek review_phaser.geometry: 81x3+501+500 #review_phaser.geometry: 81x4+501+543 # pre-newdash ############################################################################### # from: jjudy@argon.berkeley.edu (Jack W. Judy) # Heh! This makes it almost impossible to screw-up and *accidently* choose # the *wrong* team! Got this idea from an old post. fed.parent: local #fed - Fed selection window fed.geometry: 100x100+0+400 rom.parent: local #rom - Romulan selection window rom.geometry: 100x100+0+0 kli.parent: local #kli - Klingon selection window kli.geometry: 100x100+400+0 ori.parent: local #ori - Orion selection window ori.geometry: 100x100+400+400 quit.parent: local #quit quit.geometry: 100x100+200+0 ############################################################################### # Macro stuff ############################################################################### #Standard: # #%a armies carried by sender #%d sender damage percentage #%s sender shield percentage #%f sender fuel percentage #%w sender wtemp percentage #%e sender etemp percentage #%t team id character of target planet #%T team id character of sender team #%c sender id character #%n armies on target planet #%E 1 if etemped, 0 if not #%W 1 if wtemped, 0 if not #%S sender two character ship type #%p id character of target player #%g id char of target friendly player #%h id char of target enemy player #%P id character of player nearest sender #%G id char of friendly player nearest sender #%H id char of enemy player nearest sender #%l three character name of target planet #%i sender full player name (16 character max) #%u full name of target player (16 character max) #%z 3 letter team id of target planet #%b sender nearest planet #%* abort macro immediately, sending nothing #% sends nothing - allows macros to start with spaces #%2 1 if on a paradise server, 0 otherwise # #FULLY CAPITALIZED: #%L three character name of target planet #%I sender full player name (16 character max) #%U full name of target player (16 character max) #%Z 3 letter team id of target planet #%B sender nearest planet # #Ping stats: (may differ slightly from server '!' ping stats) #%v average ping stat round trip time #%V ping stat round trip standard deviation #%y percent total packet loss as calculated by server formula # #Miscellanous: #%m the last message you sent #%M the last message you sent in all caps # #As a further extension to NEWMACRO, a macro may now be sent #to any of the following destinations: # #%i %I %c send message to self #%u %U %p send message to player nearest mouse #%t %z %Z send message to team of player nearest mouse #%g send message to nearest friendly player to my ship #%h send message to nearest enemy player to my ship # #Further, tests may be done within the macro system, the syntax #for these test is as follows. #%? introduces a test #= equivalence #> greater #< less # #Expressions are evaluated on a character by character basis until the #test is resolved. The text of the test is then replaced in the macro #by 1 or 0. # #Test are then fed to a syntax I call conditional text. The best way #to demonstrate how this works is example. # #1%{included if true%!included if false%} # #This would print: #included if true # #0%{included if true%!included if false%} #included if false # # Paradise orthoganal macros (Robert Forsman) # # start with a $ # # field 1: # (n)earest # (t)arget # (s)elf (doesn't have fields 2 and 3) # (_) ego (has no other fields) # # field 2: # (a)ny # (t)eammate # (f)riendly # (h)ostile # # field 3: # (a)ny # (u)ser # (p)lanet (includes asteroids) # (s)tar # (n)ebula # (b)lack hole # (^) non-planet # (*) any stellar object # # field 4: (optional) NYI # (U)ppercase # (C)apitalize # (L)owercase # # field 5: # full (n)ame (Hammor, Thought) # (i)dentifier (e.g. R5, Ka, Can, Sco) # (#) number (0-9a-z for players, %d for planets) # (t)eam name (Romulan) # (s)hort team id (ROM) # (l)etter of team (R) # (a)rmies # (@) sector # (M) 0=not metal planet, 1=metal, 2=repair, 3=shipyard # (A) 0=not arable, 1=arable, 2=agri # (D) 0=not dilithium, 1=dilithium, 2=fuel # # Any implementation of the paradise $ codes (subset or superset) # must implement and document the $_ code. -- Robert Forsman #start macros: mac.a.T: %?%n<0%{TOUCH %2%{$tasUi->%}%L!%!%2%{$tasLi->%}%l@%n%} mac.b.T: bomb %2%{$tasLi->%}%l%?%n>4%{ @ %n%} %2%{%?$tapD>1%{ FUEL%}%?$tapA=2%{ AGRI%}%?$tapM>1%{ REPAIR%}%?$tapM>2%{ SHIPYARD%}%} mac.c: Carrying %?%a>0%{%a arm%?%a=1%{y.%!ies.%}%!no armies.%} #mac.d.T: %E%{%!%W%{%!I'm fine.%}%}%E%{ETEMPED!!! %}%W%{WTEMPED!!! %}Carrying %?%a>0%{%a armies!%!NO armies.%} mac.d.T: ogg %p mac.e.T: Need ESCORT to %l%?%a>0%{, carrying %a arm%?%a=1%{y%!ies!%}%} mac.f.T: %2%{$tasi->%}%l @ %n mac.g.T: going to %l%?%a>0%{, carrying %a arm%?%a=1%{y%!ies!%}%} #mac.h.T: %E%{ETEMPED!!! %}%W%{WTEMPED!!! %}Carrying %?%a>0%{%a armies!%!NO armies.%} mac.m: %m mac.n: no mac.o: ok # pig call (5 spaces) mac.p.A: % mac.q.%i: queue mac.r.%H: resistance is futile mac.s.T: We need a sc bomber. mac.t.T: no t-mode :( mac.t: thanks #mac.u.%i: test u macro to self mac.v: %T%c PING stats: Average: %v ms, Stdv: %V ms, Loss: %y%% mac.x.T: %L! mac.y: yes mac.D.T: %p++ near %l #mac.E.T: Ignore that last distress mac.F: resistance is not futile?? #mac.G.T: Ogg %p! #mac.G: Go to %l mac.I.%u: %u: det when you escort! mac.K.A: KissMy%S #mac.N.%i: NEWGALAXY mac.O.%u: (%i) ogging #mac.R.A: I'm a %?%S=SB%{star base!%!twink!%} #mac.S.%i: START #mac.T.%i: %Z mac.T.T: T-MODE! #mac.W.%t: SHUT UP, TWINKS!! #mac.X.T: EMERGENCY @ %L!! # hacker note: I have no idea what the stuff in quotes means -RF #** Giardia Froth's "Ich mochte einen Diebstahl melden." ** mac.1.A: $nhuLn, %i taunts your uncle's monkey. mac.2.A: $nhuLn, %i taunts your ecelesiastical roadkill. mac.3.A: $nhuLn, %i taunts your upper left bicuspid. mac.4.A: $nhuLn, %i taunts your favorite obtuse angle. mac.`.A: %i wishes that he wasn't a twink like $nhuLn. #whatever macro.5.%i: %%v %v, %%V %V, %%y %y # test macros. macro.6.%i: %%a %a, %%d %d, %%s %s, %%f %f, %%w %w, %%e %e macro.7.%i: %%E %E, %%W %w, %%i %i, %%o %o, %%T %T, %%c %c, %%S %S #target macro.8.%i: %%t %t, %%p %p, %%g %g, %%h %h, %%n %n macro.9.%i: %%l %l, %%u %u, %%z %z, # nearest macro.0.%i: %%P %P, %%G %G, %%H %H, %%b %b # new distresses singleMacro: EA #mac.F.T: %?%S=SB%{Your starbase (%i) is carrying %?%a=0%{NO%!%a%} %?%a=1%{army%!armies%}%!%T%c@%B: I have %?%a=0%{NO%!%a%} %?%a=1%{army%!armies%} on board, heading for %L%?%n<0%{ (untouched)%!@%n%}%} mac.A.T: %?%S=SB%{Your starbase (%i) is carrying %?%a=0%{NO%!%a%} %?%a=1%{army%!armies%}%!%T%c@%B: I have %?%a=0%{NO%!%a%} %?%a=1%{army%!armies%} on board%} #mac.Z.T: Going for %L NOW!! DET for me!! (%?%a=0%{NO%!%a%} %?%a=1%{army%!armies%}) #mac.E.T: HELP! %T%c@%B: %?%a=0%{NO%!%a%} %?%a=1%{army%!armies%}, %d%% dam, %s%% shlds, %?%S=SB%{%!%?%f<15%{NO%!%f%%%} gas%} %E%{ETMP!!%} %?%S=SB%{%W%{WTMP!!%!%w%% wtmp%}%} # Multi line macros! One regular macro for each line of the multi-macro: mac.d.A:% __ _ _ _ _ mac.d.A:% | _\ /_\ // \\ / \ mac.d.A:% || \\// \\//___\\\_/ mac.d.A:% ||_//\\_//\\---// _ mac.d.A:% |__/ \_/ \\ // {_} # use the 'M' flag to specify where multi-macros are displayed: # (they go to review and review_all by default) review_all.allow: AM review.allow: ATIM # Receiver Configurable Distress # each one defined with #dist.key.name: # key is the key you want to use to send that type, format string is how # an RCD of that type should appear to YOU. You cannot affect how an RCD # looks to anyone else. The key works just like a macro key, IE press 'X' # first and then the key, unless that key is defined as a singleMacro, in # which case you press just that key. # # The format string uses the same format as regular macros...except that # I haven't yet fixed it to use Paradise extensions. That means especially # that $ escapes do not work, as well as a couple of % escapes which do not # exist in COW-lite (where I got the code) # # The types of RCD for the name field are: # taking # ogg # bomb # space_control # save_planet # base_ogg # help1 # help2 # escorting # ogging # bombing # controlling # asw # asbomb # doing1 # doing2 # free_beer # no_gas # crippled # pickup # pop # carrying # other1 # other2 # help # # defaults are defined for all of them, look at the macro window ('X?') # to see them. Also, the macro window has 2 pages now, click a mouse # button to flip between RCD's and regular macros. # # The client will send an RCD for E and F by default if on a server that # supports it. other types of rcd's have macro keys defined. # # Note: If you have a macro and an RCD defined for the same key, the macro # ALWAYS over-rides the RCD. I'm not sure that's the right way to do it, # but that's what it says in the docs for RCD, so that's how I programmed it... # # samples: (these are some of what I use) dist.E.help: %T%c(%S) %B: HELP! %?%d>90%{HULL GONE! %!%?%d>20%{%d%% dam %}%}%?%s<10%{SHLDS OUT! %!%?%s<80%{%s%% shd %}%}%?%f<10%{NO %!%f%% %}fuel %?%S=SB%{%w%%wtmp%}%E%{ETEMP! %}%W%{WTEMP! %}%?%a>0%{%a %?%a=1%{ogre%!ogres%}%} dist.F.carrying: %T%c(%S) %B: (%?%S=SB%{%w%%wt%} %s%%sh %d%%dm %f%%fu) Carrying %a armies. dist.+.pickup: %i(%T%c): %p++ @ %l dist.p.taking: %T%c(%S) %B: Carrying %a to %l%?%n>-1%{ @ %n%} # Beep-lite! # # Read the normal beep-lite docs. As an extension, you may specify # the color for each lite by placing a letter for the color after a # particular lite. This is being disallowed by most servers, currently # it only works on calvin. The letters allowed are wrygce, case is not # important. (e is for grey, the rest should be obvious) example: # hilite taker and target in red lite.taking: /cr/lr # To use beep-lite, you must have the next line, or set it from # the options menu: UseLite: on # also, there are several built in lites defined that can be enabled # by: DefLite: on ############################################################################### # # This is the list of windows I've been able to find. Most you will # probably not want to screw around with, but these can be controlled # (at least it appears that way in the code...). # # I found these by greping for: # checkMapped # W_MakeWindow # W_MakeTextWindow # W_MakeScrollingWindow # W_MakeMenu # #Window list: # #planet - Planet listing (P) #rank - The rank window (U) #help - Help window (h) #macro - Macro Listing (X-?) #MetaServer List - Metaserver stuff (not quite sure how to use it) #review - The munged list of messages from all sources #review_all - Messages to all #review_team - Messages to your team #review_your - Messages to you #review_kill - Kill messages #review_phaser - The phaser damage window #netstat - Network statistics #lagMeter - The Lag-o-Meter #pingStats - Ping statistics window #player - Player list #tstat - Dashboard #UDP - UDP controls #network - #local - Main fighting window #map - Galactic map #option - The options window #wait - #count - #waitquit - #waitmotd - #info - #netrek - The "main" window (parent) #netrek_icon - #warn - Warnings ("forgot your toothbrush",et al) #message - Message sending window #FED - Team windows on entry #ROM - Team windows on entry #KLI - Team windows on entry #ORI - Team windows on entry #quit - Quit box on entry #stats - #scanner - #war - War delcarations # # This gives you: # name.mapped (on/off for initial mapping) # name.parent (which window you want this one to be in) # name.geometry (size and location) # ############################################################################### # THE END ###############################################################################