#! /usr/local/bin/perl # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # USAGE: xferstats # # OPTIONS: # -f Use for the log file # -r include real users # -a include anonymous users # -h include report on hourly traffic # -d include report on domain traffic # -t report on total traffic by section # -D report only on traffic from # -l Depth of path detail for sections # -s
Section to report on, For example: -s /pub will report # only on paths under /pub # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # edit the next two lines to customize for your domain. # This will allow your domain to be seperated in the domain listing. $mydom1 = "wustl"; $mydom2 = "edu"; # edit the next line to customize for your default log file $usage_file = "/var/log/xferlog"; # Edit the following lines for default report settings. # Entries defined here will be over-ridden by the command line. $opt_h = 1; $opt_d = 0; $opt_t = 1; $opt_l = 3; require 'getopts.pl'; &Getopts('f:rahdD:l:s:'); if ($opt_r) { $real = 1;} if ($opt_a) { $anon = 1;} if ($real == 0 && $anon == 0) { $anon = 1; } if ($opt_f) {$usage_file = $opt_f;} open (LOG,$usage_file) || die "Error opening usage log file: $usage_file\n"; if ($opt_D) {print "Transfer Totals include the '$opt_D' domain only.\n"; print "All other domains are filtered out for this report.\n\n";} if ($opt_s) {print "Transfer Totals include the '$opt_s' section only.\n"; print "All other sections are filtered out for this report.\n\n";} line: while () { @line = split; next if ($#line != 16); next if (!$anon && $line[12] eq "a"); next if (!$real && $line[12] eq "r"); $daytime = substr($_, 0, 10) . substr($_, 19, 5); $time = substr($_,11,2); if ($line[8] eq "\.") { $line[8] = "/unreadable/filename";} next if (substr($line[8],0,length("$opt_s")) ne "$opt_s"); $line[8] = substr($line[8],length("$opt_s")); @path = split(/\//, $line[8]); # # Why was the origional xferstats dropping leading 1 character path # segments??? # # while (length($path[1]) <= 1) { # shift @path; # next line if ($#path == -1); # } # Things in the top-level directory are assumed to be informational files if ($#path == 1) { $pathkey = "Index/Informational Files"; } else { $pathkey = ""; for ($i=1; $i <= $#path-1 && $i <= $opt_l;$i++) { $pathkey = $pathkey . "/" . $path[$i]; } } $line[6] =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; @address = split(/\./, $line[6]); $domain = $address[$#address]; if ($domain eq "$mydom2" && $address[$#address-1] eq "$mydom1") { $domain = $mydom1 . "." . $mydom2; } if ( int($address[0]) > 0 || $#address < 2 ) { $domain = "unresolved"; } $count = 1; if ($opt_D) {if (substr($domain,0,length("$opt_D")) eq "$opt_D" ) { $count = 1;} else {$count = 0;} } if ($count) { $xferfiles++; # total files sent $xfertfiles++; # total files sent $xferfiles{$daytime}++; # files per day $groupfiles{$pathkey}++; # per-group accesses $domainfiles{$domain}++; $xfersecs{$daytime} += $line[5]; # xmit seconds per day $domainsecs{$domain} += $line[5]; # xmit seconds for domain $xferbytes{$daytime} += $line[7]; # bytes per day $domainbytes{$domain} += $line[7]; # xmit bytes to domain $xferbytes += $line[7]; # total bytes sent $groupbytes{$pathkey} += $line[7]; # per-group bytes sent $xfertfiles{$time}++; # files per hour $xfertsecs{$time} += $line[5]; # xmit seconds per hour $xfertbytes{$time} += $line[7]; # bytes per hour $xfertbytes += $line[7]; # total bytes sent } } close LOG; @syslist = keys(systemfiles); @dates = sort datecompare keys(xferbytes); if ($xferfiles == 0) {die "There was no data to process.\n";} print "TOTALS FOR SUMMARY PERIOD ", $dates[0], " TO ", $dates[$#dates], "\n\n"; printf ("Files Transmitted During Summary Period %12.0f\n", $xferfiles); printf ("Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period %12.0f\n", $xferbytes); printf ("Systems Using Archives %12.0f\n\n", $#syslist+1); printf ("Average Files Transmitted Daily %12.0f\n", $xferfiles / ($#dates + 1)); printf ("Average Bytes Transmitted Daily %12.0f\n", $xferbytes / ($#dates + 1)); format top1 = Daily Transmission Statistics Number Of Number of Average Percent Of Percent Of Date Files Sent Bytes Sent Xmit Rate Files Sent Bytes Sent --------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- . format line1 = @<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @>>>>>>>>> @>>>>>>>>>> @>>>>>>>>> @>>>>>>> @>>>>>>> $date, $nfiles, $nbytes, $avgrate, $pctfiles, $pctbytes . $^ = top1; $~ = line1; foreach $date ( sort datecompare keys(xferbytes) ) { $nfiles = $xferfiles{$date}; $nbytes = $xferbytes{$date}; $avgrate = sprintf("%5.1f KB/s", $xferbytes{$date}/$xfersecs{$date}/1000); $pctfiles = sprintf("%8.2f", 100*$xferfiles{$date} / $xferfiles); $pctbytes = sprintf("%8.2f", 100*$xferbytes{$date} / $xferbytes); write; } if ($opt_t) { format top2 = Total Transfers from each Archive Section (By bytes) ---- Percent Of ---- Archive Section Files Sent Bytes Sent Files Sent Bytes Sent ------------------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- . format line2 = @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @>>>>>>>>> @>>>>>>>>>> @>>>>>>> @>>>>>>> $section, $files, $bytes, $pctfiles, $pctbytes . $| = 1; $- = 0; $^ = top2; $~ = line2; foreach $section ( sort bytecompare keys(groupfiles) ) { $files = $groupfiles{$section}; $bytes = $groupbytes{$section}; $pctbytes = sprintf("%8.2f", 100 * $groupbytes{$section} / $xferbytes); $pctfiles = sprintf("%8.2f", 100 * $groupfiles{$section} / $xferfiles); write; } if ( $xferfiles < 1 ) { $xferfiles = 1; } if ( $xferbytes < 1 ) { $xferbytes = 1; } } if ($opt_d) { format top3 = Total Transfer Amount By Domain Number Of Number of Average Percent Of Percent Of Domain Name Files Sent Bytes Sent Xmit Rate Files Sent Bytes Sent ----------- ---------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- . format line3 = @<<<<<<<<<< @>>>>>>>>> @>>>>>>>>>>> @>>>>>>>>> @>>>>>>> @>>>>>>> $domain, $files, $bytes, $avgrate, $pctfiles, $pctbytes . $- = 0; $^ = top3; $~ = line3; foreach $domain ( sort domnamcompare keys(domainfiles) ) { if ( $domainsecs{$domain} < 1 ) { $domainsecs{$domain} = 1; } $files = $domainfiles{$domain}; $bytes = $domainbytes{$domain}; $avgrate = sprintf("%5.1f KB/s", $domainbytes{$domain}/$domainsecs{$domain}/1000); $pctfiles = sprintf("%8.2f", 100 * $domainfiles{$domain} / $xferfiles); $pctbytes = sprintf("%8.2f", 100 * $domainbytes{$domain} / $xferbytes); write; } print "\n"; print "These figures only reflect ANONYMOUS FTP transfers. There are many\n"; print "sites which mount the archives via NFS, and those transfers are not\n"; print "logged and reported by this program.\n\n"; } if ($opt_h) { format top8 = Hourly Transmission Statistics Number Of Number of Average Percent Of Percent Of Time Files Sent Bytes Sent Xmit Rate Files Sent Bytes Sent --------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- . format line8 = @<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @>>>>>>>>> @>>>>>>>>>> @>>>>>>>>> @>>>>>>> @>>>>>>> $time, $nfiles, $nbytes, $avgrate, $pctfiles, $pctbytes . $| = 1; $- = 0; $^ = top8; $~ = line8; foreach $time ( sort keys(xfertbytes) ) { $nfiles = $xfertfiles{$time}; $nbytes = $xfertbytes{$time}; $avgrate = sprintf("%5.1f KB/s", $xfertbytes{$time}/$xfertsecs{$time}/1000); $pctfiles = sprintf("%8.2f", 100*$xfertfiles{$time} / $xferfiles); $pctbytes = sprintf("%8.2f", 100*$xfertbytes{$time} / $xferbytes); write; } } exit(0); sub datecompare { $date1 = substr($a, 11, 4) * 4800; $date2 = substr($b, 11, 4) * 4800; $date1 += index("JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec",substr($a, 4, 3))*400; $date2 += index("JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec",substr($b, 4, 3))*400; $date1 += substr($a, 8, 2); $date2 += substr($b, 8, 2); $date1 - $date2; } sub domnamcompare { $sdiff = length($a) - length($b); ($sdiff < 0) ? -1 : ($sdiff > 0) ? 1 : ($a lt $b) ? -1 : ($a gt $b) ? 1 : 0; } sub bytecompare { $bdiff = $groupbytes{$b} - $groupbytes{$a}; ($bdiff < 0) ? -1 : ($bdiff > 0) ? 1 : ($a lt $b) ? -1 : ($a gt $b) ? 1 : 0; } sub faccompare { $fdiff = $fac{$b} - $fac{$a}; ($fdiff < 0) ? -1 : ($fdiff > 0) ? 1 : ($a lt $b) ? -1 : ($a gt $b) ? 1 : 0; }