# # snmpd.conf - created Wed Aug 7 23:55:27 MET DST 1996 # # # view configuration # # viewName OID included/excluded # # Red Hat Special Define for Limited Access. view rest . included # internet view all . included # internet view mini . included # for v1 public exclude exclude mib-2.ident.identInfo # and mib-2.host.hrSWRun in the mini view: view xmini . included view xmini . excluded view xmini . excluded # system, snmp, usecAgent, usecStats view semi . included view semi . included view semi . included view semi . included # snmp, usecAgent, usecStats view semi . included view semi . included view semi . included # # # user configuration # # noneRV noneWV authRV authWV userName[/authKey] # # If you uncomment the following line: # - make sure you understand what giving write access means # - use authkey(1) to generate a new hex authkey # #user mini - all all public/PUT_AUTH_KEY_HERE # # # community configuration # # commName readV writeV # community public rest - ## uncomment for private entry: # community private mini mini ## ## now follows the specific section of the linux-port. ## ## ## port to use (default is 161): ## # port: 161 ## ## the entry of system.Contact and system.Location: ## sysContact: Please configure your snmpd before running. sysLocation: Not Configured ## the system name is per default determined from the hostname: # sysName: chappell ## ## trap sink address and community string. (passed to snmptrap(1) ## utility). authentraps contains the value of snmpEnableAuthenTraps; ## (default is `disabled'). ## trap sink: localhost trap community: public snmpEnableAuthenTraps: disabled ## ## specify type and speed of interfaces: ## if the last char is an asterisk, any suffix will match. ## (feel free to add more) ## interface: lo0 24 20000000 interface: eth* 6 10000000 interface: sl* 28 28800 interface: ppp* 23 28800 interface: isdn* 20 64000 interface: ippp* 20 64000 ## end of /etc/snmpd.conf