#!/bin/csh -fb # (The "-fb" might need to be changed to "-f" on some systems) # # Copyright (c) 1991 Bell Communications Research, Inc. (Bellcore) # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this material # for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided # that the above copyright notice and this permission notice # appear in all copies, and that the name of Bellcore not be # used in advertising or publicity pertaining to this # material without the specific, prior written permission # of an authorized representative of Bellcore. BELLCORE # MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS ABOUT THE ACCURACY OR SUITABILITY # OF THIS MATERIAL FOR ANY PURPOSE. IT IS PROVIDED "AS IS", # WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES. # if (! $?METAMAIL_TMPDIR) then set METAMAIL_TMPDIR=/tmp endif # First, figure out which machine to play it on! set thishost=`hostname` # Note that there are some special lines in here that only work at Bellcore, # Specifically involving phone playback from the machine "greenbush". # Everything should work fine at other sites, though set AUDIOBINDIR=/u/andrew/phone-sau/bin set AUDIOPHONEHOST=greenbush set AUDIOPHONEHOSTLONG=greenbush.bellcore.com set AUDIOLOGMAIL=andrew@thumper.bellcore.com set ORG="Bellcore" set STDINPUT=0 if ("$1" == "-p") then set AUDIOPHONE=$2 shift shift endif if ("$1" == "-s") then set AUDIOSPEAKERFORCE = 1 shift endif if ($?AUDIOPHONE || $?AUDIOPHONEFORCE) then goto playphone endif if (! -d $AUDIOBINDIR) then set AUDIOSPEAKERFORCE=1 endif if ("$1" == "-") then set STDINPUT=1 shift endif if ($#argv < 1) then set STDINPUT=1 endif if (! $STDINPUT && ! $?AUDIOSPEAKERFORCE && ! $?AUDIOPHONEFORCE) then if ($?MM_NOTTTY) then if ($MM_NOTTTY == 1) then setenv MM_NOTTTY 0 xterm -e showaudio $* exit 0 endif endif choosehardware: echo This program can display audio on the speakers of some workstations, echo "or (at some sites) it can call you on the telephone. Please choose one:" echo "" echo "1 -- Use the computer's speaker" echo "2 -- Call me on the telephone" echo "" echo -n "Which do you prefer (1 or 2)? " set ans=$< if ($ans == 2) then echo "OK, we'll use the telephone..." set AUDIOPHONEFORCE=1 echo "In the future, you can avoid this question by setting the environment variable" echo "AUDIOPHONEFORCE to 1" goto playphone else if ($ans == 1) then echo "OK, Attempting to play the audio using your computer's speaker.." set AUDIOSPEAKERFORCE=1 echo "In the future, you can avoid this question by setting the environment variable" echo "AUDIOSPEAKERFORCE to 1" else echo "That is NOT one of your choices." goto choosehardware endif endif set audiohost=$thishost if ($?DISPLAY) then set audiohost=`echo $DISPLAY | sed -e 's/:.*//'` if ($audiohost == "unix") set audiohost=$thishost if ($audiohost == "") set audiohost=$thishost endif if ($?AUDIOHOST) then set audiohost=$AUDIOHOST endif if ($audiohost != $thishost) then echo Sending audio to $audiohost... if ($?MMS_AUDIO) then if ($STDINPUT) then cat | mms -host $audiohost "show audio/basic" - else cat $* | mms -host $audiohost "show audio/basic" - endif exit 0 endif # The next two lines are very inefficient, but not everyone has their path right for an rsh pushd ~ >& /dev/null set thisprog=`which showaudio` popd >& /dev/null if ($STDINPUT) then cat | rsh $audiohost $thisprog -s - else cat $* | rsh $audiohost $thisprog -s - endif exit 0 endif if (-f /usr/sbin/sfplay) then if ($#argv >= 1) then exec /usr/sbin/sfplay -i mu-law chan 1 rate 8000 end $* else cat > ${METAMAIL_TMPDIR}/audio.$$ /usr/sbin/sfplay -i mu-law chan 1 rate 8000 end ${METAMAIL_TMPDIR}/audio.$$ rm ${METAMAIL_TMPDIR}/audio.$$ exit 0 endif else if (-d /usr/sony) then set dev=/dev/sb0 else if (-e /usr/bin/audioplay) then # Solaris 2.0 /usr/bin/audioconvert -i raw,voice -f sun $* | /usr/bin/audioplay exit $status else if (-e /bin/audioplay) then # Solaris 2.0 /bin/audioconvert -i raw,voice -f sun $* | /bin/audioplay exit $status else set dev=/dev/audio endif if (-w $dev) then echo Playing audio on $thishost using $dev, one moment please... if ($#argv >= 1) then cat $* > $dev else cat > $dev endif exit 0 endif playphone: if (-d $AUDIOBINDIR) then set thisprog=`which showaudio` if (! $?AUDIOPHONE) then if ($?MM_NOTTTY) then if ($MM_NOTTTY == 1) then setenv MM_NOTTTY 0 xterm -e $thisprog $* exit 0 endif endif echo This message contains audio, which can be sent to your telephone. echo Please enter the telephone number at which you would like to hear this echo -n "audio message as you would dial it from INSIDE ${ORG}: " set AUDIOPHONE=$< endif if ($thishost == $AUDIOPHONEHOST || $thishost == $AUDIOPHONEHOSTLONG) then echo Calling Phone number $AUDIOPHONE echo "You MUST SAY HELLO when you answer the phone, or you will not hear the message." mail -s "showaudio: `whoami` called $AUDIOPHONE" $AUDIOLOGMAIL < /dev/null if ($STDINPUT) then cat $AUDIOBINDIR/../GREET.au $* - | $AUDIOBINDIR/play -\# $AUDIOPHONE - else cat $AUDIOBINDIR/../GREET.au $* | $AUDIOBINDIR/play -\# $AUDIOPHONE - endif echo All done exit 0 else echo Trying to rsh to $AUDIOPHONEHOST to send audio via telephone cat $* | rsh $AUDIOPHONEHOST $thisprog -p $AUDIOPHONE - exit 0 endif endif echo "" echo This message contains an audio mesage, which can not currently be echo played on this type of workstation. If you log into an appropriate echo "machine (currently a SPARCstations or Sony News workstation)" echo and read this message there, you should be able to hear the audio echo message. echo "" if (! $?MM_NOTTTY) set MM_NOTTTY=0 if ($MM_NOTTTY == 1) then set fname=/tmp/mm.aud.$$ else echo -n "Do you want to write the audio out to a file [y] ? " set ANS=$< if ("$ANS" =~ n* || "$ANS" =~ N* ) exit 0 echo -n "File name:" set fname=$< endif cp $1 $fname if ($status == 0) echo Wrote raw audio file: $fname exit 0