#!/bin/csh -fb # (The "-fb" might need to be changed to "-f" on some systems) # # Copyright (c) 1991 Bell Communications Research, Inc. (Bellcore) # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this material # for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided # that the above copyright notice and this permission notice # appear in all copies, and that the name of Bellcore not be # used in advertising or publicity pertaining to this # material without the specific, prior written permission # of an authorized representative of Bellcore. BELLCORE # MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS ABOUT THE ACCURACY OR SUITABILITY # OF THIS MATERIAL FOR ANY PURPOSE. IT IS PROVIDED "AS IS", # WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES. # if (! $?METAMAIL_TMPDIR) then set METAMAIL_TMPDIR=/tmp endif # This is to make metamail/showaudio do playback on the speaker, not the phone. setenv AUDIOSPEAKERFORCE 1 if (-d /usr/sony) then set dev=/dev/sb0 else set dev=/dev/audio endif if ( $#argv == 1 ) then set to = $1 else echo -n "To: " set to = $< endif echo -n "Subject: " set subject = $< echo -n "CC: " set cc = $< record: echo -n "Press RETURN when you are ready to start recording: " set foo = $< set fname = ${METAMAIL_TMPDIR}/audio-out.$$ set fnameraw = ${METAMAIL_TMPDIR}/audio-raw.$$ echo "To: " "$to" > $fname echo "Subject: " "$subject" >> $fname echo "CC: " "$cc" >> $fname echo "MIME-Version: 1.0" >> $fname echo "Content-Type: audio/basic" >> $fname echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" >> $fname echo "" >> $fname # THIS IS UNBELIEVABLY GRUBBY onintr cleanup if (! $?RECORD_AUDIO) then (/bin/cat < $dev > $fnameraw) & else ($RECORD_AUDIO > $fnameraw) & endif jobs -l > ${METAMAIL_TMPDIR}/AUDCAT.$$ set foo=`/bin/cat ${METAMAIL_TMPDIR}/AUDCAT.$$` /bin/rm ${METAMAIL_TMPDIR}/AUDCAT.$$ set PID=$foo[2] echo -n "press RETURN when you are done recording: " set foo=$< echo One moment please... /bin/sleep 1 echo -n Killing recording job... /bin/kill -9 $PID >& /dev/null mimencode -b < $fnameraw >> $fname /bin/rm $fnameraw echo "" >> $fname whatnext: echo "" echo "What do you want to do?" echo "" echo "1 -- Send mail" echo "2 -- Listen to recorded message" echo "3 -- Replace with a new recording" echo "4 -- Quit" set which = $< switch ("$which") case 1: echo -n "Sending mail, please wait... " /usr/lib/sendmail $to $cc < $fname if (! $status) then echo "Done." rm $fname exit else echo Mail delivery failed, draft mail is in $fname endif breaksw case 2: metamail -d $fname breaksw case 3: goto record case 4: exit endsw goto whatnext exit 0 cleanup: kill -9 $PID >& /dev/null