The top-level info node.  File: dir, Node: Top Info main menu ============== A few useful info commands are: h Enter a short tutorial on info. d Return to this menu. ? List all info commands. q Quit info. Not all of the topics shown below may be available on your system. * Menu: Linux: ====== * linux-faq:( The Linux FAQ List The Emacs editor: ================= * emacs:(emacs). It's big. It's powerful. It edits text. * cl:(cl). Emacs Lisp facilities borrowed from Common Lisp. * elisp:(elisp). The GNU Emacs Lisp reference. * gnus:(gnus) . An Emacs-bases NNTP newsreader. * vip:(vip). An Emacs VI emulation package. * viper:(viper). Another Emacs VI emulation package. * dired-x:(dired-x) Dired mode extra features * forms:(forms). Emacs forms mode Info-related topics: ==================== * info:(info). The info browsing system. * makeinfo:(makeinfo). The `makeinfo' program. * texinfo:(texinfo). The Texinfo documentation system. * info-stnd:(info-stnd). The GNU stand-alone info reader. Miscellaneous: ============== * JED:(jed). JED editor documentation. * bash:(bash). The Bourne Again Shell. * dc:(dc). Arbitrary precision calculator. * diff:(diff). The GNU `diff'. * dosemu:(dosemu). Linux DOS Emulator. * dvips:(dvips). The TeX DVI to PostScript converter. * ed:(ed). GNU ed. * File utilities:(fileutils). GNU file utilities. * Finding Files:(find). Listing and operating on matching files. * Forms:(forms). Forms library. * Naming fonts: (fontname). Filenames for TeX fonts. * gawk:(gawk). The GNU `awk'. * gcal:(gcal). GNU `cal'. * git:(git). GNU Interactive Tools * gpm:(gpm). Linux general purpose mouse interface. * graphics:(graphics). GNU graphics utilities * gzip:(gzip). The GNU compression utility. * ispell:(ispell). `ispell' -- a spelling checker. * m4:(m4). The GNU m4 macro preprocessor. * mh:(mh). MH mail handling system. * netcdf:(netcdf). Unidata netCDF library * octave:(octave). Octave - A language for numerical computation. * sc:(sc). The Supercite attribution package. * Shar utilities:(sharutils). GNU set of shar utilities. * shar:(sharutils) shar invocation. Make a shell archive out of may files. * unshar:(sharutils) unshar invocation. Unpack a shell archive. * Shell utilities: (sh-utils). GNU shell utilities. * standards:(standards). GNU coding standards * tar: (tar). Making tape (or disk) archives. * Text utilities: (textutils). GNU text utilities. * time:(time). The `time' resource usage utility. * tput:(tput). Portable terminal control for shell scripts. * scheme:(umb-scheme). UMB Scheme. * uucp:(uucp). Taylor UUCP -- Unix to Unix CP. * zsh:(zsh). The Z shell Programming: ============ * as:(as). The GNU assembler `as'. * autoconf:(autoconf). Cygnus Source Configuration Tools * bfd:(bfd). GNU Binary File Descriptor library * Binutils: (binutils). The GNU binary utilities "ar", "objcopy", "objdump", "nm", "nlmconv", "size", "strings", "strip", and "ranlib". * bison:(bison). Bison, the GNU yacc. * configure: (configure). Cygnus configure. * configuration: (cfg-paper). Some theory on configuring source. * cpp:(cpp). The C preprocessor. * gasp:(gasp). The GASP assembly preprocessor. * gcc:(gcc). The GNU C compiler. * gdb:(gdb). The GNU debugger. * gdbint:(gdbint). GDB internals. * gperf:(gperf). A perfect hash function generator utility. * gprof: (gprof). Profiling your program's execution * history:(history). The GNU history library. * indent:(indent). GNU indent * iostream:(iostream). The GNU C++ iostream library. (`libio') * ipc:(ipc). System V IPC functions. * Kpathsea: (kpathsea). File lookup along search paths. * Ld: (ld). The GNU linker. * libg++:(libg++). The GNU C++ library. * make:(make). The GNU `make' utility. * readline:(readline). The GNU readline library. * stabs:(stabs). The `stabs' debugging format. GNU File Utilities: =================== * File utilities: (fileutils). GNU file utilities. * chgrp: (fileutils)chgrp invocation. Change file groups. * chown: (fileutils)chown invocation. Change file owners/groups. * chmod: (fileutils)chmod invocation. Change file permissions. * cp: (fileutils)cp invocation. Copy files. * dd: (fileutils)dd invocation. Copy and convert a file. * df: (fileutils)df invocation. Report filesystem disk usage. * dir: (fileutils)dir invocation. List directories briefly. * du: (fileutils)du invocation. Report on disk usage. * install: (fileutils)install invocation. Copy and change attributes. * ln: (fileutils)ln invocation. Make links between files. * ls: (fileutils)ls invocation. List directory contents. * mkdir: (fileutils)mkdir invocation. Create directories. * mkfifo: (fileutils)mkfifo invocation. Create FIFOs: (named pipes). * mknod: (fileutils)mknod invocation. Create special files. * mv: (fileutils)mv invocation. Rename files. * rm: (fileutils)rm invocation. Remove files. * rmdir: (fileutils)rmdir invocation. Remove empty directories. * sync: (fileutils)sync invocation. Synchronize memory and disk. * touch: (fileutils)touch invocation. Change file timestamps. * vdir: (fileutils)vdir invocation. List directories verbosely. GNU Text Utilities: =================== * Text utilities: (textutils). GNU text utilities. * cat: (textutils)cat invocation. Concatenate and write files. * cksum: (textutils)cksum invocation. Print POSIX CRC checksum. * comm: (textutils)comm invocation. Compare sorted files by line. * csplit: (textutils)csplit invocation. Split by context. * cut: (textutils)cut invocation. Print selected parts of lines. * expand: (textutils)expand invocation. Convert tabs to spaces. * fmt: (textutils)fmt invocation. Reformat paragraph text. * fold: (textutils)fold invocation. Wrap long input lines. * head: (textutils)head invocation. Output the first part of files. * join: (textutils)join invocation. Join lines on a common field. * md5sum: (textutils)md5sum invocation. Print or check message-digests. * nl: (textutils)nl invocation. Number lines and write files. * od: (textutils)od invocation. Dump files in octal, etc. * paste: (textutils)paste invocation. Merge lines of files. * pr: (textutils)pr invocation. Paginate or columnate files. * sort: (textutils)sort invocation. Sort text files. * split: (textutils)split invocation. Split into fixed-size pieces. * sum: (textutils)sum invocation. Print traditional checksum. * tac: (textutils)tac invocation. Reverse files. * tail: (textutils)tail invocation. Output the last part of files. * tr: (textutils)tr invocation. Translate characters. * unexpand: (textutils)unexpand invocation. Convert spaces to tabs. * uniq: (textutils)uniq invocation. Uniqify files. * wc: (textutils)wc invocation. Byte, word, and line counts. GNU Shell Utilities: ==================== * Shell utilities: (sh-utils). GNU shell utilities. * basename: (sh-utils)basename invocation. Strip directory and suffix. * date: (sh-utils)date invocation. Print/set system date and time. * dirname: (sh-utils)dirname invocation. Strip non-directory suffix. * echo: (sh-utils)echo invocation. Print a line of text. * env: (sh-utils)env invocation. Modify the environment. * expr: (sh-utils)expr invocation. Evaluate expressions. * false: (sh-utils)false invocation. Do nothing, unsuccessfully. * groups: (sh-utils)groups invocation. Print group names a user is in. * hostname: (sh-utils)hostname invocation. Print or set system name. * id: (sh-utils)id invocation. Print real/effective uid/gid. * logname: (sh-utils)logname invocation. Print current login name. * nice: (sh-utils)nice invocation. Modify scheduling priority. * pathchk: (sh-utils)pathchk invocation. Check file name portability. * printenv: (sh-utils)printenv invocation. Print environment variables. * printf: (sh-utils)printf invocation. Format and print data. * pwd: (sh-utils)pwd invocation. Print working directory. * sleep: (sh-utils)sleep invocation. Delay for a specified time. * stty: (sh-utils)stty invocation. Print/change terminal settings. * su: (sh-utils)su invocation. Modify user and group id. * tee: (sh-utils)tee invocation. Redirect to multiple files. * test: (sh-utils)test invocation. File/string tests. * true: (sh-utils)true invocation. Do nothing, successfully. * tty: (sh-utils)tty invocation. Print terminal name. * uname: (sh-utils)uname invocation. Print system information. * users: (sh-utils)users invocation. Print current user names. * who: (sh-utils)who invocation. Print who is logged in. * whoami: (sh-utils)whoami invocation. Print effective user id. * yes: (sh-utils)yes invocation. Print a string indefinitely.