This is Info file, produced by Makeinfo-1.64 from the input file ./doc/tex/gcal-us.texi. START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * Gcal: (gcal). The GNU calendar program. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY This file documents Gcal, a program for printing calendars. Gcal displays a calendar for a month or a year, eternal holiday lists and fixed date warning lists, in many ways. The program correctly omits the dates that were skipped when the current Gregorian calendar replaced the earlier Julian calendar. Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996 Thomas Esken This is the first edition of the Gcal documentation. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the Free Software Foundation. Any suggestions, improvements, extensions, bug reports, donations, proposals for contract work, and so forth are welcome! Please send them directly to my Email address. If you like my work, I'd appreciate a postcard from you! \\\_''/' -------------------------oOO (/o-o\) OOo------------------------- Thomas Esken o (. " .) o Internet : Im Hagenfeld 84 \___) ~ (___/ ( D-48147 M"unster; GERMANY Phone : +49 251 232585  File:, Node: Date warning options, Prev: Calendar options, Up: Options Date warning options .................... `-v DEFINITION' `--date-variable=ARG' `--assign=ARG' Define "global" date variable, which is visible in all referenced resource files (*note Date variables::.). DEFINITION must either be a valid single date variable definition or a (`:') colon-separated list of definitions. A date variable name DVAR consists of a single alphabetic character (except the `e' character, which is internally reserved for the Easter Sunday's date and which is unassignable/unoperatable) followed by the assignment operator character `=' and the numerical values of month MM (or a short, three characters month name, e.g. `Jan', `Feb'...) and day DD this variable has to store (or another global date variable name, but *no* date given in the `MMWWWN' or the `*d|wN[WWW]' format). Some examples: `--date-variable=a=1127' respectively `--assign=a=1127' respectively `-v a=1127' stores the 27'th November to global date variable A. `--date-variable=a=Nov27:b=05fr4:c=a' respectively `--assign=a=Nov27:b=05fr4:c=a' respectively `-v a=Nov27:b=05fr4:c=a' stores the 27'th November to global date variable A, the date of the 4'th Friday in May to the global date variable B and the value of global date variable A to C. `--export-local-date-variables' Affects the export of local date variables from one resource file to another resource file. *Note Date variables::, for more details. `-c|C[-]' `--list-of-fixed-dates[=short|long]' `--descending-fixed-dates[=short|long]' Display fixed date warning messages. `-c' `--list-of-fixed-dates=short' *Use standard resource file* (activate fixed date warning function) and list all dates related to current day sorted in ascending order. If no fixed dates related to the current day are found, no fixed date warning messages are displayed and the program is terminated with error code, see *Note 1: Error codes. `-c-' `--descending-fixed-dates=short' *Use standard resource file* (activate fixed date warning function) and list all dates related to current day sorted in descending order. If no fixed dates related to the current day are found, no fixed date warning messages are displayed and the program is terminated with error code, see *Note 1: Error codes. `-C' `--list-of-fixed-dates=long' *Use standard resource file* (activate fixed date warning function) and list all dates related to current day sorted in ascending order. If no fixed dates related to the current day are found, a fixed date warning text which consists only of the date is displayed. `-C-' `--descending-fixed-dates=long' *Use standard resource file* (activate fixed date warning function) and list all dates related to current day sorted in descending order. If no fixed dates related to the current day are found, a fixed date warning text which consists only of the date only is displayed. `-f|F NAME[+...]' `--resource-file=ARG' Use file NAME instead of the standard resource file. You can use more than one resource file NAME by separating them with a `+' separator character, e.g.: `--resource-file=./foo+xyz+/lib/$HOME/.gcalrc' resp., `-f ./foo+xyz+/lib/$HOME/.gcalrc' respects all files, which are given in above list. This argument implies the simple `-c' respectively `--list-of-fixed-dates=short' option *only* (*note `--list-of-fixed-dates[=short|long]': Date warning options.). Set NAME to `/dev/null' to avoid the use of the standard resource file, useful for creating empty fixed dates warning lists. You may quote the `+' separator character - in case this character itself is needed - by placing a `\' (backslash) character before it, e.g. `\+'. If you need the characters `\+' itself, you have to quote the `\' (backslash) character by itself, e.g. `\\+'. *Please note:* If the short-style option `-c' and/or its modifiers `t|[w|m|y]' (or the short-style option `-f') is/are given in *upper case*, e.g.: -C -F -CeT -c-aW+ -CeaxY- -c-M Gcal displays fixed date messages for *every* day of the requested period. The modifiers of a combined/complex/packed short-style fixed date warning option must be constructed according to following steps, because Gcal treats them as positional parameters: First step: *Sorting-Order-Of-Text-Modifier* `-' Second step: *Representation-Of-Text-Modifier* `a', `A', `e|E', `k', `o', `x', `z' Third step: *Respected-Warning-Period-Modifier* `d', `l', `c|C', `t|T', `w|W|m|M|y|Y[+|-]', `N+|-', `Nd', `Nw', `*dN[WWW]', `*wN[WWW]', `@e|DVAR[[+|-]N]', `@e|DVAR[+|-]NWWW', `MMDD', `MMWWWN' If you want to operate with the following modifiers, an *explicit* `-c|C[-]' short-style option must be leading, e.g.: -c-t -cw- -CaAdeklorxz12+ and only *one* period defining fixed date warning period modifier may be given (this means exclusive the `--include-today' option respectively `d' modifier, the `--list-mode' option respectively `l' modifier and the `--leap-day=february|march'). *Fixed date warning text modifiers:* `a' `--include-resource-file-name' Extend fixed date warning text by the name of the resource file, which the warning text comes from, e.g.: Mon, Jan 1'st 1995: (`Eternal holiday list') New Year's day Mon, Jan 1'st 1995: (`.gcalrc') No fixed dates ... `A' `--alternative-format' Instead of using the "standard" list format, e.g.: Mon, Jan 1'st 1995: New Year's day Mon, Jan 1'st 1995: No fixed dates ... Gcal uses the "alternative" list format, e.g.: Mon, Jan 1'st 1995: New Year's day No fixed dates ... `e' `--include-holidays=long' Enable inclusion of all built-in eternal holiday dates, this includes memorial days and legal days. `E' `--include-holidays=short' Enable inclusion of those built-in eternal holiday dates, which are legal days only. `g[TEXT]' `--grouping-text[=ARG]' Group fixed date warnings by day using separator TEXT. If TEXT is not given, the built-in text TEXT (`RC_GROUP_SEP' "" == empty line only) is used for grouping, e.g.: $ gcal -Cw -cg => Sun, Nov 6'th 1994: Text 1 => Sun, Nov 6'th 1994: Text 2 => => Mon, Nov 7'th 1994: Text 3 => => Tue, Nov 8'th 1994: Text 4 ... $ gcal -Cw -cg---A_User_Defined_Grouping_Text => Sun, Nov 6'th 1994: Text 1 => Sun, Nov 6'th 1994: Text 2 => ---A_User_Defined_Grouping_Text => Mon, Nov 7'th 1994: Text 3 => ---A_User_Defined_Grouping_Text => Tue, Nov 8'th 1994: Text 4 ... Each time a `~' (tilde) character is found in TEXT, this character is replaced by a real `\n' (newline) character. You may quote the `~' (tilde) character - in case this character itself is needed - by placing a `\' (backslash) character before it, e.g. `\~'. If you need the characters `\~' itself, you have to quote the `\' (backslash) character by itself, e.g. `\\~'. `k' `--include-weeknumber' The leading date of a warning message is extended by the ISO-8601:1988 week number of that date. *Please note:* The methods of ISO-8601:1988 are used for detecting week numbers; this means a week begins with a Monday, and the first week of a year is the one which includes the first Thursday; equivalently, the one which includes 4'th January. `o' `--omit-multiple-date-part' Omit displaying the leading date of a warning message in case more than one warning message refers to that date (only if the `--alternative-format' option respectively the `A' modifier is not given), e.g.: $ gcal -co => Sun, Nov 6'th 1994: Text 1 => Text 2 ... `x' `--exclude-fixed-dates-list-title' Suppresses the title text line of the fixed date warning list. `z' `--include-consecutive-number' Display consecutive numbers of fixed date warning messages. *Fixed date warning period modifiers:* `--leap-day=february|march' The "leap day" (i.e. the 29'th February) is observed in non-leap years. `--leap-day=february' A warning message which appears in every year and which is related to the leap day, is displayed on the 28'th February in non-leap years. `--leap-day=march' A warning message which appears in every year and which is related to the leap day, is displayed on the 1'st March in non-leap years. `d' `--include-today' If lists of periods are generated, include the actual date into the list. *Note -list-mode: Date warning options, for how to create a list of periods. `l' `--list-mode' Generate a list of periods instead of a single period. *Please note:* The following examples assume the current date is the 17'th February of any year. `--period-of-fixed-dates=ARG' `Nd' `*dN' Single date of absolute day N == `1...365|366|999' of actual year; the warning level is same as simple `-c' option. If the value 999 for N is given, the last day of the year (31'st December) is assumed. * E.g. `gcal -c10d' respectively `gcal --period-of-fixed-dates=10d' or `gcal -c*d10' respectively `gcal --period-of-fixed-dates=*d10' displays all fixed dates, which occur on the 10'th day of the year. `lNd' `l*dN' List dates starting yesterday or tomorrow (depending on given day number N) and ending at N'th absolute day of actual year; the warning level is same as `-cy' option. * E.g. `gcal -cl10d' respectively `gcal -cl*d10' displays a list of all fixed dates, which start on the 10'th day of year and end on 16'th February. `N+|-' Single date of day *actual day `+/-' N days* of actual year; the warning level is same as simple `-c' option. * E.g. `gcal -c10+' displays all fixed dates, which occur 10 days after the 17'th February (today). * E.g. `gcal -c10-' displays all fixed dates, which occur 10 days before the 17'th February (today). `lN+|-' List dates starting yesterday `-' or tomorrow `+' and ending at *actual day `+/-' N days* of actual year; the warning level is same as `-cy' option. * E.g. `gcal -cl10+' displays a list of all fixed dates, which start on the 18'th February and end 10 days after. * E.g. `gcal -cl10-' displays a list of all fixed dates, which start 10 days before the 16'th February and end on the 16'th February. `Nw' Single dates of week number N == `0|1...52|53|99' of actual year; the warning level is same as `-cw' option. * E.g. `gcal -c0w' displays all fixed dates, which occur in the 53'rd ISO-week of previous year, in case the previous year has a 53'rd ISO-week. If the previous year has 52 ISO-weeks only, all fixed dates occuring on the 1'st week of the actual year are displayed. * E.g. `gcal -c6w' displays all fixed dates, which occur in the 6'th ISO-week of year. * E.g. `gcal -c52w' displays all fixed dates, which occur in the 52'nd ISO-week of year. * E.g. `gcal -c53w' displays all fixed dates, which occur in the 53'rd ISO-week of the actual year, in case the actual year has a 53'rd ISO-week. If the actual year has 52 ISO-weeks only, no fixed date warning messages are displayed and the program is terminated with error code, see *Note 126: Error codes. * E.g. `gcal -c99w' displays all fixed dates, which occur in the last ISO-week of the actual year, i.e. either the 52'nd or the 53'rd ISO-week. `lNw' List dates starting yesterday or tomorrow (depending on given ISO-week number N) and ending at first respectively last day of given ISO-week number N == `0|1...52|53|99' of actual year; the warning level is same as `-cy' option. * E.g. `gcal -cl12w' displays a list of all fixed dates, which start on the 18'th February and end on the last day of the 12'th ISO-week. * E.g. `gcal -cl3w' displays a list of all fixed dates, which start on the first day of the 3'rd ISO-week and end on the 16'th February. `MMDD' Single date of day DD in month MM of actual year; the warning level is same as simple `-c' option. * E.g. `gcal -c0225' displays all fixed dates, which occur on the 25'th February. `lMMDD' List dates starting yesterday or tomorrow (depending on the value given in MMDD) and ending at day DD of month MM of actual year; the warning level is same as `-cy' option. * E.g. `gcal -cl0225' displays a list of all fixed dates, which start on the 18'th February and end on the 25'th February. * E.g. `gcal -cl0109' displays a list of all fixed dates, which start on the 09'th January and end on the 16'th February. `MMWWWN' Single date of N'th == `1...5|9' weekday DD|WWW in month MM of actual year; the warning level is same as simple `-c' option. * E.g. `gcal -c01mon3' displays all fixed dates, which occur on the 3'rd Monday in January. * E.g. `gcal -c02fri9' displays all fixed dates, which occur on the last Friday in February. `lMMWWWN' List dates starting yesterday or tomorrow (depending on the value given in MMWWWN) and ending at N'th == `1...5|9' weekday DD of month MM of actual year; the warning level is same as `-cy' option. * E.g. `gcal -cl01mon3' displays a list of all fixed dates, which start on the 3'rd Monday in January and end on the 16'th February. * E.g. `gcal -cl02fri9' displays a list of all fixed dates, which start on the 18'th February and end on the last Friday in February. `*dNWWW' Single date of N'th == `1...51|52|53|99' weekday WWW of actual year; the warning level is same as simple `-c' option. * E.g. `gcal -c*d16sun' displays all fixed dates, which occur on the 16'th Sunday of actual year. * E.g. `gcal -c*d52sun' displays all fixed dates, which occur on the 52'nd Sunday of actual year. If the actual year has no 52'nd Sunday, no fixed date warning messages are displayed and the program is terminated with error code, see *Note 126: Error codes. * E.g. `gcal -c*d53sun' displays all fixed dates, which occur on the 53'rd Sunday of actual year. If the actual year has no 53'rd Sunday, no fixed date warning messages are displayed and the program is terminated with error code, see *Note 126: Error codes. * E.g. `gcal -c*d99sun' displays all fixed dates, which occur on the last Sunday (that's either the 51'st, 52'nd or 53'rd Sunday) of actual year. `l*dNWWW' List dates starting yesterday or tomorrow (depending on the value given in N) and ending at N'th == `1...51|52|53|99' weekday WWW of actual year; the warning level is same as `-cy' option. * E.g. `gcal -cl*d16sun' displays a list of all fixed dates, which start on the 18'th February and end on the 16'th Sunday of actual year. * E.g. `gcal -cl*d52sun' displays a list of all fixed dates, which start on the 18'th February and end on the 52'nd Sunday of actual year. If the actual year has no 52'nd Sunday, no fixed date warning messages are displayed and the program is terminated with error code, see *Note 126: Error codes. * E.g. `gcal -cl*d53sun' displays a list of all fixed dates, which start on the 18'th February and end on the 53'nd Sunday of actual year. If the actual year has no 53'nd Sunday, no fixed date warning messages are displayed and the program is terminated with error code, see *Note 126: Error codes. * E.g. `gcal -cl*d99sun' displays a list of all fixed dates, which start on the 18'th February and end on the last Sunday (that's either the 51'st, 52'nd or 53'rd Sunday) of actual year. `*wN[WWW]' Single date of weekday WWW of N'th == `0|1...52|53|99' ISO-week of actual year; the warning level is same as simple `-c' option. If no weekday WWW is given, then Monday is assumed for the weekday. * E.g. `gcal -c*w0sun' displays all fixed dates, which occur on Sunday, which is located in the 52'nd respectively 53'rd ISO-week of previous year. In case such a Sunday doesn't exist, no fixed date warning messages are displayed an the program is terminated with error code, see *Note 126: Error codes. * E.g. `gcal -c*w16sun' displays all fixed dates, which occur on Sunday of the 16'th ISO-week of actual year. * E.g. `gcal -c*w52sun' displays all fixed dates, which occur on Sunday of the 52'nd ISO-week of actual year. If the actual year has no Sunday of the 52'nd ISO-week, no fixed date warning messages are displayed and the program is terminated with error code, see *Note 126: Error codes. * E.g. `gcal -c*w53sun' displays all fixed dates, which occur on Sunday of the 53'rd ISO-week of actual year. If the actual year has no Sunday of the 53'rd ISO-week, no fixed date warning messages are displayed and the program is terminated with error code, see *Note 126: Error codes. * E.g. `gcal -c*w99sun' displays all fixed dates, which occur on Sunday of the last ISO-week (that's either the 52'nd or 53'rd ISO-week) of actual year. `l*wN[WWW]' List dates starting yesterday or tomorrow (depending on the value given in N) and ending at weekday WWW of N'th == `0|1...52|53|99' ISO-week of actual year; the warning level is same as `-cy' option. If no weekday WWW is given, then Monday is assumed for the weekday. * E.g. `gcal -cl*w0sun' displays a list of all fixed dates, which start on Sunday, which is located in the 52'nd respectively 53'rd ISO-week of previous year and end on 16'th February. In case such a Sunday doesn't exist, no fixed date warning messages are displayed an the program is terminated with error code, see *Note 126: Error codes. * E.g. `gcal -cl*w16sun' displays a list of all fixed dates, which start on the 18'th February and end on Sunday of the 16'th ISO-week of actual year. * E.g. `gcal -cl*w52sun' displays a list of all fixed dates, which start on the 18'th February and end on Sunday of the 52'nd ISO-week of actual year. If the actual year has no Sunday of the 52'nd ISO-week, no fixed date warning messages are displayed and the program is terminated with error code, see *Note 126: Error codes. * E.g. `gcal -cl*w53sun' displays a list of all fixed dates, which start on the 18'th February and end on Sunday of the 53'rd ISO-week of actual year. If the actual year has no Sunday of the 53'rd ISO-week, no fixed date warning messages are displayed and the program is terminated with error code, see *Note 126: Error codes. * E.g. `gcal -cl*w99sun' displays a list of all fixed dates, which start on the 18'th February and end on Sunday of the last ISO-week (that's either the 52'nd or 53'rd ISO-week) of actual year. `@e[[+|-]N]' Single date of day N relative to the Easter Sunday's date of actual year; the warning level is same as simple `-c' option. * E.g. `gcal -c@e' displays all fixed dates, which occur on the Easter Sunday's date. * E.g. `gcal -c@e10' respectively `gcal -c@e+10' displays all fixed dates, which occur 10 days after the Easter Sunday's date. * E.g. `gcal -c@e-10' displays all fixed dates, which occur 10 days before the Easter Sunday's date. `l@e[[+|-]N]' List dates starting yesterday or tomorrow (depending on the value given in N) and ending at N'th day relative to the Easter Sunday's date of actual year; the warning level is same as `-cy' option. * E.g. `gcal -cl@e' displays a list of all fixed dates, which start on the 18'th February and end on the Easter Sunday's date. * E.g. `gcal -cl@e10' respectively `gcal -cl@e+10' displays a list of all fixed dates, which start on the 18'th February and end 10 days after the Easter Sunday's date. * E.g. `gcal -cl@e-10' displays a list of all fixed dates, which start on the 18'th February and end 10 days before the Easter Sunday's date. `@e[+|-]NWWW' Single date of N'th weekday WWW relative to the Easter Sunday's date of actual year; the warning level is same as simple `-c' option. * E.g. `gcal -c@e3fri' respectively `gcal -c@e+3fri' displays all fixed dates, which occur on the 3'rd Friday after the Easter Sunday's date. * E.g. `gcal -c@e-3fri' displays all fixed dates, which occur on the 3'rd Friday before the Easter Sunday's date. `l@e[+|-]NWWW' List dates starting yesterday or tomorrow (depending on the value given in N) and ending at N'th weekday WWW relative to the Easter Sunday's date of actual year; the warning level is same as `-cy' option. * E.g. `gcal -cl@e3fri' respectively `gcal -cl@e+3fri' displays a list of all fixed dates, which start on the 18'th February and end on the 3'rd Friday after the Easter Sunday's date. * E.g. `gcal -cl@e-3fri' displays a list of all fixed dates, which start on the 18'th February and end on the 3'rd Friday before the Easter Sunday's date. `@DVAR[[+|-]N]' Single date of day N relative to date variables date of actual year; the warning level is same as simple `-c' option. * E.g. `gcal -v a=0422 -c@a' displays all fixed dates, which occur on the 22'nd April. * E.g. `gcal -v a=0422 -c@a10' respectively `gcal -v a=0422 -c@a+10' displays all fixed dates, which occur 10 days after the 22'nd April. * E.g. `gcal -v a=0422 -c@a-10' displays all fixed dates, which occur 10 days before the 22'nd April. `l@DVAR[[+|-]N]' List dates starting yesterday or tomorrow (depending on the value given in N) and ending at N'th day relative to date variables date of actual year; the warning level is same as `-cy' option. * E.g. `gcal -v a=0422 -cl@a' displays a list of all fixed dates, which start on the 18'th February and end on the 22'nd April. * E.g. `gcal -v a=0422 -cl@a10' respectively `gcal -v a=0422 -cl@a+10' displays a list of all fixed dates, which start on the 18'th February and end 10 days after the 22'nd April. * E.g. `gcal -v a=0422 -cl@a-10' displays a list of all fixed dates, which start on the 18'th February and end 10 days before the 22'nd April. `@DVAR[+|-]NWWW' Singe date of N'th weekday WWW relative to date variables date of actual year; the warning level is same as simple `-c' option. * E.g. `gcal -v a=0122 -c@a2sat' respectively `gcal -v a=0122 -c@a+2sat' displays all fixed dates, which occur on the 2'nd Saturday after the 22'nd January. * E.g. `gcal -v a=0122 -c@a-2sat' displays all fixed dates, which occur on the 2'nd Saturday before the 22'nd January. `l@DVAR[+|-]NWWW' List dates starting yesterday or tomorrow (depending on the value given in N) and ending at N'th weekday WWW relative to date variables date of actual year; the warning level is same as `-cy' option. * E.g. `gcal -v a=0122 -cl@a2sat' respectively `gcal -v a=0122 -cl@a+2sat' displays a list of all fixed dates, which start on the 2'nd Saturday after the 22'nd January and end on the 16'th February. * E.g. `gcal -v a=0122 -cl@a-2sat' displays a list of all fixed dates, which start on the 2'nd Saturday before the 22'nd January and end on the 16'th February. `t|T' List dates related to tomorrow. * E.g. `gcal -ct' displays all fixed dates, which occur on the 18'th February (tomorrow). * E.g. `gcal -cdt' displays all fixed dates, which occur on the 17'th February (today) and on the 18'th February (tomorrow). `w|W[+|-]' Display week warnings (*note `--starting-day[=ARG]': Calendar options.). * `w' List dates between *starting day* of current week and last day of current week - E.g. `gcal -cw' displays all fixed dates, which occur in the whole week the 17'th February is part of. * `w+' List dates between day after current day of current week and last day of current week. - E.g. `gcal -cw+' displays all fixed dates, which start on the 18'th February (tomorrow) and end on the last day of the week. - E.g. `gcal -cdw+' displays all fixed dates, which start on the 17'th February (today) and end on the last day of the week. * `w-' List dates between *starting day* of current week and day before current day of current week - E.g. `gcal -cw-' displays all fixed dates, which start on the first day of the week and end on the 16'th February (yesterday). - E.g. `gcal -cdw-' displays all fixed dates, which start on the first day of the week and end on the 17'th February (today). `m|M[+|-]' Display month warnings. * `m' List dates between first day of current month and last day of current month. - E.g. `gcal -cm' displays all fixed dates, which occur in the whole month of February. * `m+' List dates between day after current day of current month and last day of current month. - E.g. `gcal -cm+' displays all fixed dates, which start on the 18'th February (tomorrow) and end on the last day of the month February. - E.g. `gcal -cdm+' displays all fixed dates, which start on the 17'th February (today) and end on the last day of the month February. * `m-' List dates between first day of current month and day before current day of current month. - E.g. `gcal -cm-' displays all fixed dates, which start on the first day of the month February and end on the 16'th February (yesterday). - E.g. `gcal -cdm-' displays all fixed dates, which start on the first day of the month February and end on the 17'th February (today). `y|Y[+|-]' Display year warnings. * `y' List dates between first day of current year and last day of current year. - E.g. `gcal -cy' displays all fixed dates, which occur in the whole year. * `y+' List dates between day after current day of current year and last day of current year. - E.g. `gcal -cy+' displays all fixed dates, which start on the 18'th February (tomorrow) and end on the last day of the year. - E.g. `gcal -cdy+' displays all fixed dates, which start on the 17'th February (today) and end on the last day of the year. * `y-' List dates between first day of current year and day before current day of current year. - E.g. `gcal -cy-' displays all fixed dates, which start on the first day of the year and end on the 16'th February (yesterday). - E.g. `gcal -cdy-' displays all fixed dates, which start on the first day of the year and end on the 17'th February (today).  File:, Node: Response file, Next: Actual date modifier, Prev: Options, Up: Command line arguments Response file ------------- If a `@FILE' option is given in command line, a "response file" FILE will be used, i.e. options and commands are preloaded from that file. A response file FILE may contain options and commands, which are preloaded by Gcal, but *no* reference to further response files. If such references to further response files are found, they are ignored. *Note `--response-file=ARG': Global options, for hints how to generate a response file automatically. The searching scheme for a response file is the same as that for resource files, except *no* standard response file is respected. *Note File searching mechanism: Resource file, for more details. Multiple response files may be given in the command line when Gcal is started and are processed exactly in that order as given, i.e. strictly sequential. Each option and command must be on a single line, i.e. separated by a real `\n' (newline) character. A line beginning with a `;' (semicolon) character in the response file is treated as a remark and will not be used by Gcal (*note Comment line: Resource file.). Options must be defined before commands. If a response file contains any commands, then all further arguments after the `@FILE' option of the command line are ignored. For example: 1. Contents of response file `file': Line Text 1 -j 2 -Cw EOF $ gcal -i -b 3 @file -s 3 1994 ==> gcal -i -b 3 -j -Cw -s 3 1994 2. Contents of response file `file': Line Text 1 -j 2 -Cw 3 may 1992 EOF $ gcal -i -b 3 @file -s 3 1994 ==> gcal -i -b 3 -j -Cw may 3. Contents of response file `file': Line Text 1 -j 2 -Cw 3 may 4 1992 EOF $ gcal -i -b 3 @file -s 3 1994 ==> gcal -i -b 3 -j -Cw may 1992  File:, Node: Actual date modifier, Next: Commands, Prev: Response file, Up: Command line arguments Actual date modifier -------------------- It is allowed to use that date instead of the actual (system) date, which is defined by the `%DATE' option. This means that fixed date warning messages can be created for *any* year and are like the warning messages of the actual year. The date must be denoted in one of these formats: * `YYYY[MM[DD|WWW[N]]]' * `YYYY*d|wN[WWW]' * `YYYY@e|DVAR[[+|-]N[WWW]]' * `MONTH NAME[DD]' * `WEEKDAY NAME[N]' * DD Some examples to this: *Please note:* Following examples assume the current date is Wednesday, the 17'th February 1993 (19930217)! The `YYYY[MM[DD|WWW[N]]]' format: * `gcal %1994' (== YYYY) The actual date is set to the date 17'th February 1994 => 19940217. * `gcal %1994Mar' * `gcal %19943' * `gcal %199403' (== YYYYMM) The actual date is set to the date 17'th March 1994 => 19940317. * `gcal %1994Mar3' * `gcal %1994033' * `gcal %19940303' (== YYYYMMDD) The actual date is set to the date 3'rd March 1994 => 19940303. * `gcal %1994Marth' * `gcal %199403th' (== YYYYMMWWW) The actual date is set to the date 4'th March 1994 => 19940304. * `gcal %1994MarWed3' * `gcal %199403wed3' (== YYYYMMWWWN) The actual date is set to the date 3'rd Wednesday in March 1994 (N == `1...5|9') => 19940316. * `gcal %0' * `gcal %00' * `gcal %000' * `gcal %0000' (== YYYY) The actual date remains unchanged => 19930217. * `gcal %0000Mar' * `gcal %00003' * `gcal %000003' (== YYYYMM) The actual date is set to the date 17'th March 1993 => 19930317. * `gcal %0000Mar3' * `gcal %0000033' * `gcal %00000303' (== YYYYMMDD) The actual date is set to the date 3'rd March 1993 => 19930303. * `gcal %0000MarThu' * `gcal %000003thu' (== YYYYMMWWW) The actual date is set to the date 4'th March 1993 => 19930304. * `gcal %0000MarWed3' * `gcal %000003wed3' (== YYYYMMWWWN) The actual date is set to the date 3'rd Wednesday in March 1993 (N == `1...5|9') => 19930317. The `YYYY*d|wN[WWW]' format: * `gcal %1994*d10' (== `YYYY*dN') The actual date is set to the date 10'th absolute day in 1994 (N == `1...365|366|999') => 19940110. * `gcal %1994*d10sun' (== `YYYY*dNWWW') The actual date is set to the date 10'th Sunday in 1994 (N == `1...51|52|53|99') => 19940306. * `gcal %0*d10' (== `YYYY*dN') The actual date is set to the date 10'th absolute day in 1993 => 19930110. * `gcal %0*d10sun' (== `YYYY*dNWWW') The actual date is set to the date 10'th Sunday in 1993 => 19930307. * `gcal %1994*w10' (== `YYYY*wN') The actual date is set to the date Monday of the 10'th ISO-week in 1994 (N == `0|1...52|53|99') => 19940307. * `gcal %1994*w10sun' (== `YYYY*wNWWW') The actual date is set to the date Sunday of the 10'th ISO-week in 1994 => 19940313. * `gcal %0*w10' (== `YYYY*wN') The actual date is set to the date Monday of the 10'th ISO-week in 1993 => 19930308. * `gcal %0*w10sun' (== `YYYY*wNWWW') The actual date is set to the date Sunday of the 10'th ISO-week in 1993 => 19930314. The `YYYY@e|DVAR[[+|-]N[WWW]]' format: * `gcal %1994@e' (== `YYYY@e') The actual date is set to the date Easter Sunday 1994 => 19940403. * `gcal %1994@e10' * `gcal %1994@e+10' (== `YYYY@e[+]N') The actual date is set to the date 10 days after Easter Sunday 1994 => 19940413. * `gcal %1994@e-10' (== `YYYY@e-N') The actual date is set to the date 10 days before Easter Sunday 1994 => 19940324. * `gcal %0@e' * `gcal %00@e' * `gcal %000@e' * `gcal %0000@e' (== `YYYY@e') The actual date is set to the date Easter Sunday 1993 => 19930411. * `gcal %0@e10' * `gcal %0@e+10' (== `YYYY@e[|]N') The actual date is set to the date 10 days after Easter Sunday 1993 => 19930421. * `gcal %0@e-10' (== `YYYY@e-N') The actual date is set to the date 10 days before Easter Sunday 1993 => 19930401. * `gcal %1994@e3Wed' * `gcal %1994@e+3Wed' (== `YYYY@e[+]NWWW') The actual date is set to the date 3'rd Wednesday after Easter Sunday 1994 => 19940420. * `gcal %1994@e-3wed' (== `YYYY@e-NWWW') The actual date is set to the date 3'rd Wednesday before Easter Sunday 1994 => 19940316. * `gcal %0@e3wed' * `gcal %0@e+3wed' (== `YYYY@e[+]NWWW') The actual date is set to the date 3'rd Wednesday after Easter Sunday 1993 => 19930428. * `gcal %0@e-3we' (== `YYYY@e-NWWW') The actual date is set to the date 3'rd Wednesday before Easter Sunday 1993 => 19930324. * `gcal -v a=0303 %1994@a' (== `YYYY@DVAR') The actual date is set to the date 3'rd March 1994 => 19940303. * `gcal -v a=0303 %1994@a10' * `gcal -v a=0303 %1994@a+10' (== `YYYY@DVAR[+]N') The actual date is set to the date 10 days after 3'rd March 1994 => 19940313. * `gcal -v a=0303 %1994@a-10' (== `YYYY@DVAR-N') The actual date is set to the date 10 days before 3'rd March 1994 => 19940221. * `gcal -v a=0303 %0@a' (== `YYYY@DVAR') The actual date is set to the date 3'rd March 1993 => 19930303. * `gcal -v a=0303 %0@a10' * `gcal -v a=0303 %0@a+10' (== `YYYY@DVAR[+]N') The actual date is set to the date 10 days after 3'rd March 1993 => 19930313. * `gcal -v a=0303 %0@a-10' (== `YYYY@DVAR-N') The actual date is set to the date 10 days before 3'rd March 1993 => 19930221. * `gcal -v a=0303 %1994@a3wed' * `gcal -v a=0303 %1994@a+3wed' (== `YYYY@DVAR[+]NWWW') The actual date is set to the date 3'rd Wednesday after 3'rd March 1994 => 19940323. * `gcal -v a=0303 %1994@a-3wed' (== `YYYY@DVAR-NWWW') The actual date is set to the date 3'rd Wednesday before 3'rd March 1994 => 19940216. * `gcal -v a=0303 %0@a3wed' * `gcal -v a=0303 %0@a+3wed' (== `YYYY@DVAR[+]NWWW') The actual date is set to the date 3'rd Wednesday after 3'rd March 1993 => 19930324. * `gcal -v a=0303 %0@a-3wed' (== `YYYY@DVAR-NWWW') The actual date is set to the date 3'rd Wednesday before 3'rd March 1993 => 19930210. The `MONTH NAME[DD]' format: * `gcal %April' (== MONTH NAME) The actual date is set to the date 17'th April 1993 => 19930417. * `gcal %april3' * `gcal %april03' (== MONTH NAME DD) The actual date is set to the date 3'rd April 1993 => 19930403. The `WEEKDAY NAME[N]' format: * `gcal %Friday' (== WEEKDAY NAME) The actual date is set to the date Friday of current week in February 1993 => 19930219. * `gcal %Friday2' * `gcal %Friday02' (== WEEKDAY NAME N) The actual date is set to the date 2'nd Friday in February 1993 (N == `1...5|9') => 19930212. The DD format: * `gcal %3' * `gcal %03' (== DD) The actual date is set to the date 3'rd February 1993 => 19930203.  File:, Node: Commands, Prev: Actual date modifier, Up: Command line arguments Commands -------- The commands control the periods Gcal respects. They can be partitioned into four major classes, namely "single" commands, special "3-Month mode" commands, "lists" of commands and "ranges" of commands. Single commands and special 3-Month mode commands only produce *one* calendar sheet, ranges of commands or list of commands produce *more than one* calendar sheet per run. If a list of commands is given, Gcal works sequentially on each single command given in the list, one by one. A range of commands is expanded first by Gcal and after expansion is done, Gcal works sequentially on each single command produced during the internal expansion step. To understand the notation used in the text below, MM is either a number, a month name or one of the special 3-Month mode commands `.', `..', `.+' and `.-'. No lists or ranges of months or years can be created in case a special 3-Month mode command is given. The range of MM is valid from 1 to 12 or valid from January to December (both notations may be mixed). Month names may be abbreviated up to their first three characters. YYYY is a number. The range of YYYY is valid from 1 to 9999. A range (MM-MM YYYY+YYYY ...) must consist of two elements. A list (MM,...,MM YYYY;...;YYYY ...) must contain two elements minimum and may have any number of elements. Here is a list of all ranges of commands, lists of commands and other command separator characters: 1. The `-' character is the *range of months* separator. 2. The `,' character is the *list of months* separator. 3. The `+' character is the *range of years* separator. 4. The `;' character is the *list of years* separator. 5. The `/' character is the *month of year* separator. 6. The `:' character is the *fiscal year* separator. * Menu: * Single commands:: How to use a Single command. * 3-Month mode commands:: How to use a 3-Month mode command. * Lists of commands:: How to use a List of commands. * Ranges of commands:: How to use a Range of commands.  File:, Node: Single commands, Next: 3-Month mode commands, Prev: Commands, Up: Commands Single commands ............... `NONE' Current month of current year, called "single month mode" in the further context. `MONTH NAME' Selected month of current year, e.g.: gcal may gcal OCTOBER gcal ja `YYYY' Selected year, called "single year mode" in the further context, e.g.: gcal 1992 `MM YYYY' `MM/YYYY' Single month of selected year, e.g.: gcal 9 1992 gcal 9/1992 gcal Nov 1777 gcal Nov/1777 `:' Single fiscal year, starting at *actual month* of *actual year* and ending at month *actual month*-1 of *actual year*+1, called "implicit fiscal year" in the further context, e.g.: gcal : `MM:' Single fiscal year, starting at month MM of *actual year* and ending at month MM-1 of *actual year*+1, called "explicit fiscal year" in the further context, e.g.: gcal 6: gcal feb: gcal NOVEMBER: `:YYYY' Single fiscal year, starting at *actual month* of year YYYY and ending at month *actual month*-1 of year YYYY+1, called "explicit fiscal year" too in the further context, e.g.: gcal :1999 `MM:YYYY' Single fiscal year, starting at month MM of year YYYY and ending at month MM-1 of year YYYY+1, called "explicit fiscal year" too in the further context, e.g.: gcal 7:1999 gcal oct:1992 gcal February:1777  File:, Node: 3-Month mode commands, Next: Lists of commands, Prev: Single commands, Up: Commands 3-Month mode commands ..................... `.' Previous, actual and next month of current year, e.g.: gcal . `. YYYY' Previous, actual and next month of selected year, e.g.: gcal . 1992 `..' Actual quarter of current year, e.g.: gcal .. `.. YYYY' Actual quarter of selected year, e.g.: gcal .. 1992 `.+' Actual and next two months of current year, e.g.: gcal .+ `.+ YYYY' Actual and next two months of selected year, e.g.: gcal .+ 1992 `.-' Actual and previous two months of current year, e.g.: gcal .- `.- YYYY' Actual and previous two months of selected year, e.g.: gcal .- 1992  File:, Node: Lists of commands, Next: Ranges of commands, Prev: 3-Month mode commands, Up: Commands Lists of Commands ................. `MM,...,MM' List of specified months in current year, e.g.: gcal 1,5,12 gcal 3,1,5,3 gcal june,9,jan `MM/YYYY,...,MM/YYYY' List of months in specified year, e.g.: gcal 1/1992,5,12/2001 gcal june/1991,9/1801,jan `MM,...,MM YYYY' List of specified months of selected year, e.g.: gcal 3,7 1999 gcal 1,dec,july 1777 `YYYY;...;YYYY' List of specified years, e.g.: gcal 1992;1777;1899 `MM:YYYY;...;MM:YYYY' List of specified fiscal years, e.g.: gcal 7:1999;8:1992;April:3 *Other valid lists:* `MM,MM/YYYY,...' Mixed list of months consisting of: `MM MM/YYYY' gcal 6,8,3/1999,feb/3,january `MM:;MM:YYYY;...' Mixed list of fiscal years of given / actual year consisting of: `MM: :YYYY MM:YYYY YYYY' gcal 3:;1994;february:1999;:1777;JAN: `MM:;MM:;...' List of fiscal years of actual year consisting of: `MM:' gcal 3:;august:;DEC:  File:, Node: Ranges of commands, Prev: Lists of commands, Up: Commands Ranges of commands .................. `MM-MM' Range of current months, e.g.: gcal 3-7 gcal 11-8 gcal MAY-dec gcal 12-aug `MM/YYYY-MM/YYYY' Range of months of year, e.g.: gcal 3/1991-july/1992 gcal dec/1994-3 gcal sep-dec/2000 `MM-MM YYYY' Range of specified months of selected year, e.g.: gcal 3-7 1999 gcal nov-3 1777 gcal aug-dec 1992 `YYYY+YYYY' Range of specified years, e.g.: gcal 1992+1994 `MM:YYYY+MM:YYYY' Range of specified fiscal years, e.g.: gcal 7:1999+8:1992 gcal aug:1992+july:1999  File:, Node: The GCAL environment variable, Prev: Command line arguments, Up: Invoking Gcal The `GCAL' environment variable =============================== The environment variable `GCAL' can hold a set of default options for Gcal (*note GCAL: Environment variables.). These options are interpreted first at program start-up and some can be overwritten by explicit command line arguments or values which are found in a response file option `@FILE'. *Note Command line arguments::, and *Note Response file::. For example: * for *sh*: GCAL="-i -b 3"; export GCAL * for *csh*: setenv GCAL "-i -b 3" * for *MS-DOS*: set GCAL=-i -b 3 On Vax/VMS, the name of the environment variable is `GCAL_OPT', to avoid a conflict with the symbol `GCAL' set for invocation of the program. For example: * for *VMS*: define GCAL_OPT "-i -b 3"  File:, Node: Eternal holidays, Next: Fixed date warnings, Prev: Invoking Gcal, Up: Top Eternal holidays **************** The *eternal holiday list* is created only for dates after A.D.463. It can be displayed in different ways: In case you start Gcal without an explicit (fiscal) date and the *eternal holiday list* argument (*note `--holiday-list[=long|short]': Calendar options.), e.g.: gcal --holiday-list gcal -n gcal -n : Gcal displays all holidays of the eternal holiday list, that refer to the actual / fiscal year without a leading calendar. In case you start Gcal with the *eternal holiday list* argument and a month (plus an additional year), e.g.: gcal --holiday-list july gcal -n july gcal -n 7 1993 gcal -n 7/1993 Gcal displays a month calendar of the specified month (of year) and trailing those holidays of the eternal holiday list, that refer to the given month (of given year). In case you start Gcal with the *eternal holiday list* argument and a simple year or an explicit fiscal year, e.g.: gcal --holiday-list 1993 gcal -n 1993 gcal -n july: gcal -n :1993 gcal -n 7:1993 Gcal displays a year calendar of the specified year or fiscal year and trailing all holidays of the eternal holiday list, that refer to the given year or fiscal year. In case you start Gcal with the *eternal holiday list* argument and a special 3-Month mode command (*note `..': Commands.), e.g.: gcal --holiday-list . gcal -n . gcal -n .. gcal -n .+ gcal -n .- Gcal displays the according three months using a fixed year calendar style and trailing all holidays of the eternal holiday list, that refer to the these months.