mail (1) --- send or receive mail 03/23/82 _U_s_a_g_e mail [ -p ] { } _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n 'Mail' is the user's interface to the Subsystem postal ser- vice. If invoked with arguments, 'mail' first verifies that each is the login name of a Subsystem user, reads standard input one until end-of-file, and then appends the message thus read to the mailbox files of all users named. All letters are postmarked with the sender's login name and the time and date of the mailing. If no argument is present on the command line, the user's own mailbox file is displayed. If the "-p" option is not present and standard output is directed to the user's terminal, letters are printed one CRT screenful at a time. (The user may skip or re-examine the mail at this point; see manual entries for 'pg' (1) and 'page' (2) for further information.) If anything was in the mailbox, 'mail' then asks the question, "Save mail?". If the response begins with the letter "n", the mail is discarded; otherwise, the contents of the mailbox are appended to the file named by the template "=mailfile=" (Subsystem default is =varsdir=/.mail). _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s mail mail spaf (message follows, terminated by end-of-file (Control-C)) mail perry dan myers (message follows, terminated by end-of-file (Control-C)) _F_i_l_e_s =mail=/ for mailboxes =mailfile= for mail save file _M_e_s_s_a_g_e_s "Usage: mail ..." for invalid arguments. "Save mail?" to ask if mail should be saved. "can't create temporary file" if a temporary file can't be created to hold the letter for distribution. "can't open 's mailbox" if the mail delivery file for can't be opened. mail (1) - 1 - mail (1) mail (1) --- send or receive mail 03/23/82 _B_u_g_s Mail messages are neither secure nor private. _S_e_e _A_l_s_o to (1) mail (1) - 2 - mail (1)