| SSSeeeccctttiiiooonnn 111 --- CCCooommmmmmaaannndddsss By far the most important component of the Software Tools Subsystem is its complement of commands. This section is devoted to the description of the commands currently available. Documentation for each command is divided into the following sections. Note that sections that would otherwise contain no information will be omitted. _H_e_a_d_e_r _L_i_n_e The command's name, function, and the date of last modification to the documentation. _U_s_a_g_e A description of the syntax permitted on the command | line. The notation used in this description was | discussed above in the section labelled "Key to | Notation." _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n A detailed coverage of the capabilities and operation of the command. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s A few short examples of the command. _F_i_l_e_s A list of the names of special files used by the com- mand. _M_e_s_s_a_g_e_s A listing of important error messages or diagnostic information issued by the command. _B_u_g_s Known bugs in the operation of the command. _S_e_e _A_l_s_o References to further information or related commands. - 1 -