error (2) --- print fatal error message, then die 02/24/82 _C_a_l_l_i_n_g _I_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n subroutine error (message) character message (ARB) Library: vswtlb (standard Subsystem library) _F_u_n_c_t_i_o_n 'Error' is a Kernighan/Plauger routine used to report fatal errors. The message passed to it is printed on ERROUT, and the program then terminates. An error status of 1000 is passed back to the command interpreter, which then decides whether or not shell program execution will proceed. _I_m_p_l_e_m_e_n_t_a_t_i_o_n 'Error' calls 'remark' to print the error message on file ERROUT. Error status is set by a call to 'seterr', then a 'stop' statement is executed to make a normal return back to the Subsystem command interpreter. (Note that Ratfor con- verts 'stop' statements into calls to the subroutine 'swt'.) _C_a_l_l_s remark, swt, seterr _S_e_e _A_l_s_o remark (2), swt (2) error (2) - 1 - error (2)