filtst (2) --- perform existence and size tests on a file 09/10/84 | _C_a_l_l_i_n_g _I_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n integer function filtst (path, zero, permissions, exists, type, readable, writeable, dumped) character path (MAXPATH) integer zero, permissions, exists, type integer readable, writeable, dumped Library: vswtlb (standard Subsystem library) _F_u_n_c_t_i_o_n 'Filtst' may be used to perform a number of tests on a named file. The arguments specify which tests are to be per- formed, in a way described below. The function return is YES if all tests succeeded, NO if any one failed, or ERR if a test could not be made. 'Path' is an EOS-terminated string containing the pathname of the file to be tested. 'Zero' is -1 if the file is to be tested for non-zero length, 1 if for zero length, and 0 if it is not to be tested for length. 'Permissions' is a bit | mask of protection keys, as returned by the Primos routines | DIR$RD and ENT$RD. or 0 if protections are not to be tested. 'Exists' is -1 if the file is to be tested for nonexistence, 1 if for existence, and 0 if it is not to be tested for existence. 'Type' is 0 if the file's type is not to be tested; otherwise, it is the same as the file type | returned by Primos ENT$RD logically or'ed with octal 100 (to | distinguish between the SAM file type and the "no test" value). 'Readable' is -1 if the file is to be tested for non-readability, 1 if for readability, and 0 if no test is to be performed. 'Writeable' is -1 if the file is to be tested for non-writeability, 1 if for writeability, and 0 if writeability is not to be tested. 'Dumped' is -1 if the file is to be tested for not being dumped, 1 if for being dumped, and 0 if the dumped bit is not to be tested. _I_m_p_l_e_m_e_n_t_a_t_i_o_n | Various calls to the Primos routines SRCH$$, ENT$RD and | PRWF$$ are made to check the attributes specified by the arguments. The function return is YES if and only if the results of all tests were true, ERR if Primos detected an error during any test, NO otherwise. _C_a_l_l_s | getto, Primos srch$$, open, close, Primos prwf$$, Primos | ent$rd, Primos at$hom filtst (2) - 1 - filtst (2) filtst (2) --- perform existence and size tests on a file 09/10/84 _S_e_e _A_l_s_o file (1), finfo$ (6) filtst (2) - 2 - filtst (2)