as8080 (3) --- Intel 8080 cross-assembler 02/23/82 _U_s_a_g_e as8080 _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n 'As8080' is an extremely simplified cross-assembler for the Intel 8080 microprocessor. It is designed to assemble the output of the SSPL compiler in a single pass, producing a file of relocatable object code with a symbol table (suitable for later processing by 'intel' or 'lk'). It is also suitable for limited assembly language coding by hand (allowing the SSPL run-time package to be assembled). 'As8080' takes a source program on its first standard input and produces an object program on the file ".o". The source program differs from Intel's standard format in the follow- ing ways: 1. Instruction mnemonics and labels may appear in any mix- ture of upper and lower case. Case is significant in labels, but not significant in instruction mnemonics or register names. Labels must be defined with trailing colons (:) and may include the underscore (_) and the grave accent (`) characters; those labels beginning with underscore are not written to the object file sym- bol table and may be used freely as temporaries. 2. Register pairs may optionally be referred to as bc, de, hl, and sp. 3. Binary and octal number representations are not sup- ported. Decimal integers may be used, or hexadecimal integers preceded by a dollar sign ($). 4. The following pseudo-operations are totally unsup- ported: end, equ, macro, org, set. The db and dw pseudo-ops have been replaced by the 'byte' and 'word' pseudo-ops (otherwise identical in function). 5. Arithmetic expressions more complex than labels or sim- ple integers are not supported. (SSPL does not generate them.) 6. Comments are indicated by preceding commentary text with a sharp sign (#). This rule applies uniformly; all comments must be preceded by a sharp sign. 7. 'As8080' does not produce an assembly listing. 8. Multiple statements may be place on one line provided they are separated by semicolons (;). The object file produced by 'as8080' contains a number of "segments," each consisting of a one-byte segment header, two bytes of segment size, and the text of the segment. Each byte of the object file occupies one 16-bit word in the physical file. as8080 (3) - 1 - as8080 (3) as8080 (3) --- Intel 8080 cross-assembler 02/23/82 _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s> as8080 mux.s> lex | sspl | opt8080 | as8080 _F_i_l_e_s ".o" for the object code file _M_e_s_s_a_g_e_s Many error messages, hopefully some of which are self- explanatory. _B_u_g_s Locally supported. _S_e_e _A_l_s_o sspl (3), opt8080 (3), as6800 (3), as11 (3), intel (3), lk (3) as8080 (3) - 2 - as8080 (3)