sprint (3) --- optimize printing on a Spinwriter 07/23/84 | _U_s_a_g_e sprint { } { } ::= -c | -h | -j | -l | -s | -v | -x ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | ... | 14 | 15 ::= 1 | 2 | 3 | ... | 15 | 16 _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n 'Sprint' prints files on the user's terminal, making the | assumption that the terminal is a NEC Spin Writer model | 5520. Printing is done bi-directionally, optimizing motion of the print head and platen as much as possible. The following options are available to control 'sprint's behavior: -c If present, the next argument must be an integer; 'sprint' will produce the specified number of copies of each file that it prints. -h If present, the next argument must be an integer in the range 0 to 15. This option controls the horizontal spacing between characters measured in 1/120ths of an inch. -j 'Sprint' will cause a page eject following each file (or copy of a file, when multiple copies are specified). Normally, no extra space is inserted between successive files or copies of the same file. -l If present, the next argument must be an integer; 'sprint' will use that number as the number of lines per physical page. It is important that this number match the form length selected on the terminal itself, else anomalous behavior may result. 'Sprint' assumes there are 66 lines per page, corresponding to the stan- dard 11 inch form length. -s This option causes 'sprint' to pause at the top of each page and sound the terminal's audible alarm, allowing the user to insert a new piece of paper. Printing continues when the user types an ACK character (ctrl- f). -v If present, the next argument must be an integer in the range 1 to 16. This option controls the vertical spac- ing between lines measured in 1/48ths of an inch. For example, "-v 2" indicates a spacing of 2/48ths of an sprint (3) - 1 - sprint (3) sprint (3) --- optimize printing on a Spinwriter 07/23/84 inch between lines. To obtain line and a half spacing, text should be triple spaced and "-v 4" specified on the "sprint" command (it is also necessary to set the page length to 132 with the 'fmt' command ".pl" and specify a page length of 132 for 'sprint'). -x This option prevents the initial page eject. This option is useful when printing on special forms (mail- ing labels, etc.). The remaining arguments specify files to be printed. Most often, one or more pathnames will be given, indicating that the named files are to be printed, or there will be no other arguments, indicating that input is to be read from standard input. The full syntax of the construct is described in the entry for 'cat' in section 1 of the Reference Manual. It is assumed that the paper has been mounted so that a form feed will advance to the first line on the next page. This may be done by pressing the 'set tof' switch (in the upper right corner of the keyboard) after the paper has been positioned properly. In addition to optimizing print head motion, 'sprint' provides an extended character set of Greek letters and mathematical symbols to support the special character func- tions of the Software Tools Subsystem text formatter, 'fmt'. These special graphics are accessed by normal ASCII charac- ter codes with their most significant bit turned _o_f_f. (Note that the normal Prime convention is that this bit is always turned on for text characters.) The following table shows the correspondence between ASCII character codes, formatter functions, and special graphics: sprint (3) - 2 - sprint (3) sprint (3) --- optimize printing on a Spinwriter 07/23/84 _C_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r _'_F_m_t_' _F_u_n_c_t_i_o_n _G_r_a_p_h_i_c a alpha lower-case Greek alpha | A ALPHA upper-case alpha b beta lower-case Greek beta | B BETA upper-case beta | c chi lower-case chi | C CHI upper-case chi d delta lower-case Greek delta D DELTA upper-case Greek delta e epsilon lower-case Greek epsilon | E EPSILON upper-case epsilon n eta lower-case Greek eta | N ETA upper-case eta g gamma lower-case Greek gamma G GAMMA upper-case Greek gamma 8 infinity "infinity" symbol + integral integration symbol | 9 INTEGRAL large integration sign | i iota lower-case iota | I IOTA upper-case iota | k kappa lower-case kappa | K KAPPA upper-case kappa l lambda lower-case Greek lambda L LAMBDA upper-case Greek lambda u mu lower-case Greek mu | U MU upper-case mu ^ nabla inverted delta (APL del) ~ not EBCDIC-style "not" symbol v nu lower-case Greek nu | V NU upper-case nu w omega lower-case Greek omega W OMEGA upper-case Greek omega | o omicron lower-case omicron | O OMICRON upper-case omicron - partial partial differential symbol p phi lower-case Greek phi P PHI upper-case Greek phi y psi lower-case Greek psi Y PSI upper-case Greek psi 3 pi lower-case Greek pi 4 PI upper-case Greek pi r rho lower-case Greek rho | R RHO upper-case rho s sigma lower-case Greek sigma S SIGMA upper-case Greek sigma t tau lower-case Greek tau | T TAU upper-case tau h theta lower-case Greek theta H THETA upper-case Greek theta | q upsilon lower-case upsilon | Q UPSILON upper-case upsilon x xi lower-case Greek xi | X XI upper-case xi z zeta lower-case Greek zeta | Z ZETA upper-case zeta sprint (3) - 3 - sprint (3) sprint (3) --- optimize printing on a Spinwriter 07/23/84 | 7 downarrow arrow pointing down | 6 uparrow arrow pointing up | 5 backslash "back slash" symbol | 2 tilde "tilde" symbol | 0 largerbrace large square right brace | 1 largelbrace large square left brace | = proportional "proportional" symbol | M apeq approximately equal to | ] ge greater than or equal to | @ imp implies | [ exist there exists | _ AND logical and | \ ne not equal to | < psset proper subset | > sset subset | ? le less than or equal to | } nexist there does not exist | univ for every | { OR logical or | | iso congruence | f lfloor left floor | j rfloor right floor | m lceil left ceiling | F rceil right ceiling | small0 a small 0 | small1 a small 1 | small2 a small 2 | small3 a small 3 | small4 a small 4 | small5 a small 5 | small6 a small 6 | small7 a small 7 | small8 a small 8 | small9 a small 9 | scolon semicolon | dquote double quote | dollar dollar sign These extended graphics are produced by fractional motions of the platen and print head and overstriking of standard ASCII graphics. Best results are obtained when the paper is being fed by the platen and pinch roller and not by the pin- | feed mechanism. | Most of these characters _r_e_q_u_i_r_e the special Times- | Roman/Mathematics type wheel. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s help -p sprint | sprint sprint junk sprint -s -l 80 journal_article sprint -c 5 -j hand_out sprint (3) - 4 - sprint (3) sprint (3) --- optimize printing on a Spinwriter 07/23/84 _M_e_s_s_a_g_e_s "Usage: sprint ..." for incorrect argument syntax. ": can't open" if given file could not be opened for reading. _B_u_g_s If interrupted by the BREAK key while printing, 'sprint' may hang, waiting for the Spinwriter to acknowledge the last group of characters sent. To clear this condition, it is simply necessary to type a ctrl-f at the keyboard. If the ctrl-p key is used instead of BREAK, this condition normally does not occur. When multiple copies of a file are requested using the "-c" option, 'sprint' obliges by rewinding the input file and re- reading it. If the input is being taken from a standard input port, and that port is not connected to a rewindable device (i.e., a disk file), then only one copy is produced. Error messages are produced on the standard error output port, which is normally directed to the terminal. If it is undesirable to have these messages interspersed with the contents of the printed files, error output should be redirected to a file. _S_e_e _A_l_s_o cat (1), copy (1), dprint (3), print (1), fmt (1) sprint (3) - 5 - sprint (3)