[cc]mc | .hd vtprt "place formatted strings into screen buffers" 07/11/84 [cc]mc integer function vtprt (row, col, fmt, a1, a2, ... , a10) integer row, col character fmt (ARB) untyped a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10 .sp [cc]mc | Library: vswtlb (standard Subsystem library) [cc]mc .fs 'Vtprt' is used to place formatted strings into the screen buffers. 'Row' and 'col' tell where the resulting string is to be placed. 'Fmt' is a formatting string like that used in encode to define how the final string is to look. It can be either an EOS terminated string, or a packed string. The remaining arguments are the items to be put on the screen according to formatting control. .sp 'Vtprt' works equivalent to the Subsystem subroutine 'print'. The user is advised to look at the documentation for 'print' for a full explanation of the formatting capabilities of 'vtprt'. .im 'Vtprt' checks for the legality of the position (row and col), and returns ERR if it isn't legal. It then checks the string for being packed, or unpacked. If it is packed, 'ptoc' is called to unpack the character string. 'Encode' is then called to do the formatting, and then 'vt$put' is called to place the string in the screen buffer. The size of the resulting string is the function return. .ca ptoc, encode, vt$put .sa encode (2), print (2), ptoc (2), other vt?* routines (2)