C TEST --- Subroutine to test the MACHAR subroutine C C Eugene Spafford C Software Tools Subsystem Math Library Test Routine C School of Information and Computer Science C Georgia Institute of Technology C Atlanta, Georgia 30332 C C Coded April 1983 by Eugene Spafford C ---------------------------------------------------------- C SUBROUTINE TEST C $INSERT MACHAR.F.I C PRINT 10, IBETA PRINT 20, IT,IBETA IF (IRND .NE. 1) THEN PRINT 40 C ELSE PRINT 30 ENDIF PRINT 50, NGRD PRINT 60, MACHEP PRINT 70, NEGEP PRINT 80, IEXP PRINT 90, MINEXP PRINT 100, MAXEXP PRINT 110, EPS PRINT 120, EPSNEG PRINT 130, XMIN PRINT 140, XMAX RETURN C 10 FORMAT ('Floating point radix is ',I7/) 20 FORMAT ('There are ',I7,' base ',I7,' digits in the significand'/) 30 FORMAT ('Floating point multiplication rounds results'/) 40 FORMAT ('Floating point multiplication truncates results'/) 50 FORMAT ('There are ',I7,' guard digits in multiplication'/) 60 FORMAT ('Value of machep (see text): ',I7/) 70 FORMAT ('Value of negep (see text): ',I7/) 80 FORMAT ('Number of bits in the exponent is ',I7/) 90 FORMAT ('Value of minexp (see text): ',I7/) 100 FORMAT ('Value of maxexp (see text): ',I7/) 110 FORMAT ('Value of eps (see text): ',E30.16/) 120 FORMAT ('Value of epsneg (see text): ',E30.16/) 130 FORMAT ('Value of xmin (see text): ',E30.16/) 140 FORMAT ('Value of xmax (see text): ',E30.16/) END