Subject: Revert /boot breakage, update VERSION
Index:	 src/sys/pdpstand/boot.c  2.11BSD

	1. The changes made to boot.c in patch 448 broke the ability to enter
	   single user mode when running under the Begemot (p11) simulator.
        1. Install the /boot program after applying patch 448.  Launch the
	simulator ("p11 -b" in the directory with the p11conf files),
	"telnet localhost 10000" (to get to the console).   Hit <return>
	and notice that you do NOT get to a single user prompt.   Not only
	do you not get to a single user prompt (ever) but a "fsck" is done
	as if the system had crashed.

	The printf and timed prompt never appear!  My guess is that there
	is a conflict or race condition with the p11 simulator.  Either that
	or the clock hasn't been started by the simulator at this point in
	the system's life.

	The change to the prf.c (printf) in the standalone area is being
	retained since it's not hurting hurting anything.

	IF you like the current /boot behaviour then do not apply this
	entire patch - edit out the boot.c part and only update the 
	/VERSION file.  /VERSION is being updated to  remove extremely 
	outdated information.

	Cut where indicated and save to a file (/tmp/449 for example):

	    cd /
	    patch -p0 < /tmp/449

------------------------cut here------------------
*** VERSION.old	Thu Mar  3 17:39:14 2016
--- VERSION	Thu Mar  3 18:18:15 2016
*** 1,5 ****
! Current Patch Level: 448
! Date: January 5, 2010
  2.11 BSD
--- 1,5 ----
! Current Patch Level: 449
! Date: March 3, 2016
  2.11 BSD
*** 58,67 ****
  	made to both the kernel and the application programs.
  	Steven M. Schultz
! 	GTE Government Systems
! 	112 South Lakeview Canyon Road
! 	Thousand Oaks CA 91359
  	Below is the original VERSION file distributed with 2.10.1BSD
--- 58,65 ----
  	made to both the kernel and the application programs.
  	Steven M. Schultz
  	Below is the original VERSION file distributed with 2.10.1BSD
*** /usr/src/sys/pdpstand/boot.c.old	Thu Mar  3 17:39:15 2016
--- /usr/src/sys/pdpstand/boot.c	Thu Mar  3 18:14:09 2016
*** 172,189 ****
  	 * this is an automatic reboot, otherwise do it the hard way.
  	if (checkword != ~bootopts)
! 		bootopts = 0;
! 	printf("Press <CR> to boot, or any other key to abort:  ");
! 	for (i=5; i>=0; i--) {
! 		printf("\b%d", i);
! 		j = getchar2(50);
! 		if (j != -1) {
! 			if (j != '\n') bootopts = RB_ASKNAME;
! 			break;
! 		}
! 	}
! 	printf("\n");
  	j = -1;
  	do {
  		if (bootopts & RB_ASKNAME) {
--- 172,178 ----
  	 * this is an automatic reboot, otherwise do it the hard way.
  	if (checkword != ~bootopts)
! 		bootopts = RB_SINGLE | RB_ASKNAME;
  	j = -1;
  	do {
  		if (bootopts & RB_ASKNAME) {