Here are a bunch of tapes that I rescued from the School of Computer Science at ADFA, which is an outpost of UNSW. The most interesting tapes here contain the AUSAM modifications to 6th Edition. UNSW 01 ------- Tape label: System Source Disk DD format URK? BS=24B count=203 800bpi 9track UNIX System Source 1 of 1 25/1/78 A distribution of UNIX source from UNSW, with several changes. record0.gz is an RK05 image laid out according to the `Boston Children's Museum' format (i-nodes in the middle). Latest file timestamp is Jan 24 1978. There is only kernel source, plus a `unswbatch' directory. The latter seems to hold the source to a UNIX batch system developed by Ian Johnstone and other at the School of Electrical Engineering at UNSW. record0.tar.gz is a tar archive of the RK05 image. UNSW 02 ------- Tape label: UNIX Fun & Games & Pics 800 bpi 9 track itp Format Reel 1 of 1 25/1/78 Lots of BASIC programs and Ascii lineprinter pictures. record0.gz is an itp archive. There is no UNIX-related stuff. Everything is dated Jan 22 1978. UNSW 03 ------- Tape label: System Disk DD format URK? 800bpi 9track UNIX System Disk 1 of 1 25/1/78 Binaries to a UNIX system, no source code. Latest date is Jan 24th 1978. UNSW 04 ------- Tape label: UNSW 4th Distrib (2 files) PWB-UNIX (Part 1) (1 file) TP format 800bpi Sizes: 4303 5101 7326 records NO RING EVER Record0.gz is a tp format archive of the AUSAM modifications done at UNSW of 6th Edition UNIX, dated November 1979. Documentation and kernel sources exist, but there is no source for libraries or ordinary commands. Most recent file date is November 1st, 1979. The kernel diffs against UNSW 106 are small, so UNSW 04 evolved from UNSW 106. Record1.gz is a tp format archive of AUSAM programs and library source. This is an assumption, as again the most recent file date is November 1st, 1979. Record2.gz is a tp format archive of binaries and man pages for PWB-UNIX. Latest date is September 8th 1978. There is no source code on the tape. UNSW 05 ------- Tape label: PWB UNIX (Part 2) 1 file 205 Level 7 UNIX 1 file 640 Berkeley Pascal \ Vrije Pascal / 1 file 319 blocks No Ring Ever Record0.gz is a dtp archive of PWB-UNIX. Unfortunately there is a hard error in record 0, and I was unsuccessful in recovering the rest of record 0, nor record 1 and 2. The dirlist file shows what is in record 0. Latest date is September 8th 1978. UNSW 06 ------- Tape label: Hebrew Distribution Toronto Graphics Distribution DTP No Ring Ever Yet another tp format, dtp. This one puts the offset of data in the first 8 bytes, starts the dir at offset 128, with 114-byte names. Progs/dtp can extract it. The tape has no UNIX src. There are top-level directories gpac, huji and tor. Latest date is December 20th 1979. UNSW 07 ------- Tape label: UNIX Source & Documentation 800 bpi 9 track itp Format Reel 1 of 1 25/1/78 Record0.gz is an itp archive of UNIX source code and documentation. I have no clear idea as to the version archived. File dates range from August 21th 1976 to January 24th 1978. It has some UNSW modifications, with the highest labelled `fix016' in param.h, and that's 16 decimal. UNSW 81 ------- Tape label: UNIX Level 7 Source from tape #5 part 2 13/4/81 Just as it says. dtp format, also includes binaries. No WECo boot records though (as described in `Setting up UNIX' in the V7 manuals). The most recent timestamp on any file is August 22nd 1979. UNSW 81 and UNSW 83 are identical. They contain Seventh Edition UNIX. Looks like a complete distribution as well. There are hptmunix, rphtunix and rptmunix kernels. No rk or rl ones, though. [Compare these to Henry's tape] UNSW 82 ------- Tape label: UNIX L6 VRIJE and Berkeley Pascal from tape #5 part 3 14/4/81 Record0.gz is a dtp archive of at least Berkeley Pascal, in the pascal directory. Actually there's a csh, and indicates that this is in fact 2BSD. The READ_ME file in the pascal directory has a timestamp inside of April 19th 1979. The pc directory contains Pascal-VU (dated May 29th 1979) from Vrije University, the Netherlands. Latest file date in the pascal directory is August 1st 1979, and for the pc directory is October 30th 1979. UNSW 83 ------- Tape label: UNIX Level 7 Sources from tapes 92 & 93 reel 1 of 1 5/1/83 dtp format. As the label says. Looks very much like tape 81. In fact a comparison of the contents show it to be exactly the same. UNSW 85 ------- Tape label: UNIX L6 Source (tp) from tape #4, part of file 2 13/2/81 tp format, no man pages. The file seems to be truncated, I got block errors with my tp program. UNSW 86 ------- Tape label: UNIX L6 Source (tp) from tape #4, file 3 28/7/81 tp format. /bin, /usr, /etc, man pages, i.e all but src. UNSW 87 ------- Tape label: UNIX Level 6 Source PWB Part 2 from tape #5, part 1 dtp 10/12/81 This looks like it contains the source code to PWB 1.0. There are no manuals and no binaries (well, a few scattered in source dirs). UNSW 88 ------- Tape label: UNIX Level 6 Source Languages etc, dtp 16/3/81 dtp format. Source for lots of languages. No system source. UNSW 89 ------- Tape label: UNIX Level 6 Source Nroff Tables dtp 16/3/81 dtp format. Yep, nroff tables, not very exciting. UNSW 90 ------- Tape label: UNIX Level 6 Source Archive dtp 7/5/81 dtp format. Applications source, no system source. UNSW 92 ------- Tape label: UNIX Level 7 Source UNSW (dtp) 25/3/81 The kernel on this tape has lots of diffs compared to unsw 81. I cannot tell which is older, but from the dates (1979 vs 1981), I assmume that this tape is older than unsw 81. It would be good to compare unsw 81, unsw 92, Henry Spencer's V7 and the tape from Torsten Hippe. There is only source on the tape, no binaries. UNSW 93 ------- Tape label: UNIX Level 7 Source UNSW (dtp) 30/9/81 I got hard read errors on this tape, so it's probably incomplete. UNSW 106 -------- Tape label: UNIX L6 Source 1 (tp) 29/1/81 This seems to be a 6th Edition patched with AUSAM, and something else: the code has `fix025' style comments scattered around. This needs investigation. The tape only has kernel source. UNSW 107 -------- Tape label: UNIX L6 Source 2 (RK05 #24) (tp) 5/2/81 UNSW 108 -------- Tape label: UNIX L6 Source 3 (tp) 12/2/81 UNSW 110 -------- Tape label: UNIX L6 Source macro-linker, make, dostp, yacc, libS.old 7/5/81