This directory contains my absolute first attempt at making Fuzzball self boot. It is not pretty. The Fuzzball is not built correctly, and of course there are still no PD versions of the RT-11 utilities so once it does boot there's really nothing you can do with it, except do a TIME command and then run CROCK (an analog clock program for VT52s or VT100s), and even that won't be much fun because the TTY buffering is "bursty" and doesn't flush between screen updates. I also threw on a little program called "CAT" which prints a dir listing for DK:, it doesn't accept a filespec though so you can only use DK: and you get all files whether you want them or not. But anyway, FUZZBOOT.DSK is a bootable RL01 disk, built for an 11/34a (or 11/23) with an RL11, RX211, KW11L, console, and two other DL11s. Anything significantly less will not work AFAIK (although omitting the RX211 seems not to hurt anything). This has only been tested with E11, not with real 11s, an E11.INI is included to things up. The secondary boot loader (in block 2) will load anything named BOS.SAV so feel free to replace the supplied BOS.SAV with one that is built correctly for your config. The secondary loader scans the directory correctly so there's no need to duplicate the size/location of the existing BOS.SAV. I'm working on writing a whole library of public domain boot blocks, so far I have RK:, DL:, DM:, DX:/DY:/PD:, DU:, and HD:, all seem to work under simulation but haven't been tested on real hardware (except DU:). They, and the secondary loader, are available from pub/pdp11/boot on this host. I need to write a utility to write a boot block on block 0 and the secondary loader on blocks 2-5 (well, it's only block 2 for now) and take care of patching the .RAD50 filename into locs 000002-000007 of block 2, piecing it together by hand is no fun. So now, someone needs to write PD versions of PIP.SAV, DIR.SAV, DUP.SAV, KED.SAV, MACRO.SAV, LINK.SAV, you get the idea... I'll dig up one of the DECUS versions of TECO one of these days and put it here. John Wilson <>